Page 56 of Long Hard Road

“I’m not a horse.”

“No, you’re not. Horses don’t talk back.” He squatted down and lifted my leg for me, smoothly removing the second boot. “If you are good today, I’ll groom you later tonight.”

With him still squatting in front of me, I couldn’t help but picture him grooming me with his tongue. Nate obviously read the heated look in my eyes because he smirked and ran a hand up my thigh. “Later, babe. Promise.”

Never had a promise made my inner walls clench so tight. For a man who hadn’t wanted my feet to get wet, he had little concern for how he’d just caused me to drench my panties.

He kicked off his own boots and unlocked the door while I let the frigid air cool my cheeks. Nate shoved his keys into his pocket while pushing the door open. “After you, beautiful,” he said as he stepped back so I could enter first.

The problem with Nate was that he was ridiculously sexy without even trying. It made it almost impossible for me to not be filled with naughty thoughts whenever we were together. I told myself that it was just a reflexive response to the man who had given me my first-ever orgasm, but I knew that was a lie. I’d been having these thoughts since the first time I looked into his gray eyes in the café.

“Normally I’d be insisting on showing you the bedroom first,” Nate said, entering right behind me. “But without a bed, it’s not much of a destination.”

“I’m disappointed. I would’ve thought you would be more creative than that.” I yelped when he squeezed the back of my neck.

“You’ll see just how creative I can be tonight.” His hand tucked into the collar of my coat. “Slip this off and I’ll hang it on the banister while we walk around.”

I was happy to shed the winter coat I’d bought after arriving in Crestwood. I wasn’t used to wearing such bulky clothing. Nate hung my coat on the banister first and covered it with his own. I forced myself to stop staring at him and finally noticed the impressive staircase alongside the banister.

“Wow.” I touched the gleaming wooden railing and traced the delicate carving with my fingers. “This is beautiful.”

“Thanks. That took me a long time to get right.” He was eyeing the design critically and missed my stunned look.

“You did this? I knew you were talented, but this is seriously impressive, Nate.” The design curled to form an intricate flower. “I’m awed by you, honey.”

His eyes flew to mine and he blinked twice before his lips curled into one of his perfect smiles. “I know that feeling, angel.”

“Come on. Show me more of your handiwork.” I ran a hand down his arm before lacing our fingers together.

Nate started the tour on the second floor because he said it was the least exciting. That was where all the bedrooms were located. “I built an owner’s suite up here and on the first floor. Figured that it would be good to be close to the kids’ rooms when they are little, but then have a main floor suite for when I’m too old and broken to handle the stairs.”

“You’ve really been thinking ahead.” The stairs exited onto an open landing that gave an overhead view of the first floor.

“This is supposed to be my forever home,” Nate said. “Assuming that a future wife doesn’t absolutely hate it.”

“Nate, promise me you will never marry a woman who hates a house as beautiful as this.” I wouldn’t allow Nate to believe that he deserved anything other than a woman who absolutely adored him and his amazing home.

“You haven’t seen most of the house yet. What if I put mirrors on the bedroom ceiling or a stripper pole in the living room?” Nate’s eyes were sparkling the familiar silver shade that always appeared when he was having a moment of pure enjoyment.

“I don’t see the issue with either of those things. I take a pole dancing class out in LA to help build my core and you can never have too many mirrors in your house.” I was proud of myself for keeping a straight face as I added, “And a mirror on the ceiling would capture your best side when you’re on top.”

Nate’s booming laughter echoed off the walls. “Are you saying that my ass is better than my face?”

“It’s a sexy ass,” I said with a shrug. “And, honestly, your face is a little too perfect. You’re too pretty.”

“You’re one to talk. Have you seen those cheekbones? Or those damn lips I can’t stop dreaming about?” He lifted a hand and traced the shell of my ear. “Even your ears are perfect.”

“Do you have an ear kink, Sullivan?” From the way my body shivered at the touch of his fingers, I had a bit of an ear kink myself.

“I have a Madison kink,” he said easily. “Everything about you turns me on.”

I understood that problem. My obsession with all things Nate-related had the same effect on me. “We better keep going with the tour before we get distracted.”

“Sure.” He took my hand again and began the slow process of showing me his home. It went so slowly because I had to stop and take in every detail. A lot of modern homes had a sterile and boring aesthetic. They all looked like something you could order out of a catalog. Nate’s house didn’t feel that way at all.

The bedrooms were all large and had distinctive features. Two of them had window seats while another had a slanted ceiling with a skylight. One of the rooms had a wall of built-in bookshelves and the main bedroom had a closet that was larger than my bedroom at the cabin.

“Do you have a lot of clothes?” I teased.