“Knew a James once.”
James’s eyes widened. “Really?! Was he a good guy or a bad guy?”
“He was a good guy. The best.”
James rubbed his nose on his sleeve. “Where is he now?”
Murdock’s eyes flitted to hers before he answered. “He’s on permanent R and R.”
“What’s that?”
“Like a really long vacation that he won’t come back from.”
It hit her then that his friend was dead. She wondered how many friends he had lost. How many Kyle had lost?
“You gonna go see him?” James asked.
Murdock nodded. “Maybe one day.”
She felt those damned tears welling up again and swallowed them down.
“Can you tell us a story?” Jack asked, tired of the pleasantries.
Murdock's voice dropped to a low, gravelly register as he leaned in toward the awestruck boys.
"I remember this one time in Afghanistan..."
He told them a gruesome story. His words were punctuated with animated hand gestures and vivid sound effects, painting a picture of heroic missions, daring rescues, and a lot of killing.
The boys' eyes widened with wonder as they hung onto every word. Murdock himself seemed to relish in the retelling, his chest puffed out and his face contorted with intensity.
It was clear that for him, these weren't just stories—they were memories etched deep into his soul. Ones he would never forget. She wondered how often he got the chance to talk about them, and if they hurt.
James and Jack listened, rapt.
When Murdock finished, James turned to Jack. "Let's play soldiers!"
Jackson whooped in excitement and the two boys took off, using imaginary guns to shoot invisible bad guys. Maddy picked up Em and started rocking her side to side as she stood in the kitchen.
She shook her head wryly. "Not sure if telling them stories of blowing people up was the best idea, but thanks for humoring them."
Murdock shrugged and changed the subject. “It’s been too quiet at the cabin without you. No one to make decent food. And now we've got this new guy. Burn victim, another former team guy. Kyle’s been trying to help him settle in.”
Madison listened, a mix of curiosity and concern filling her. “Sounds like he’s got a lot on his plate.”
“Yeah, well, we all do,” Murdock said, his gaze flickering over her. He leaned back, regarding her thoughtfully.
"How're you holding up? With the custody thing and all."
Maddy tensed, one hand coming up to stroke Emmie's downy head. She bit her lip, hesitating. Murdock wasn't one for emotional conversations. But his dark eyes were intent, lacking their usual irritation.
"I'm..." She stopped, shaking her head helplessly. "It's a mess. Rob's parents have more money for lawyers. And the judge knows them better than me."
She swallowed hard. "My lawyer said I need character witnesses, to help prove I'm a good mom. But with Helen sick..." Her voice cracked. She took a shaky breath.
"I don’t have anyone and they could take my kids away. I can't lose them, Murdock. I can't."
He nodded slowly, face grim. "You won't. Not if I have anything to say about it."