Page 80 of Her Summer Hope

He stopped immediately and frowned as she put a hand on Em’s back while she leaned a bit to catch her breath. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to this, with the pregnancy and having a baby…” she waved her hand over herself to explain.

He walked over, dropping his bag and leading her to a fallen tree.

“Damn. No. It’s my fault. I didn’t even think….and you just had a baby…I can’t believe I didn’t realize…”

She took a deep breath, feeling more steady now that she had a little rest. “No, it’s me. I should have warned you. I used to be in better shape, but I just haven’t had time yet. I’m sorry.”

“Maddy, I brought you out here to have fun and relax. My day is perfect already, even if we don’t go any farther up this damned hill,” he teased.

The breeze caught his hair, ruffling the strands and blowing his spicy masculine scent in her face. She wanted to close her eyes and breathe him in, but that would probably be fairly awkward.

She smiled. “But I want to make it to the top. I’m not a quitter.”

“We’re already about halfway there,” he promised with a smile. “I’ll carry your bag and we can go slower. Let me know if you need a break or if you want me to carry Emmie.”

He jiggled Em’s chubby cheek with the tip of his finger and smiled at her. Em grinned a brilliant gummy smile and let out a squeal, startling herself and the two adults looking on.

Madison blinked in shock. “She’s never done that before.”

Kyle looked enamored if the grin on his face was any indication. “She was waiting for a good time and now is as good a time as any,” he chuckled. “Isn’t that right, Emmie-cakes?”

Em smiled at him again, though she was beginning to look sleepy. She laid her head on Maddy’s chest and wiped her face back and forth. Madison cupped the back of her head and placed a gentle kiss on the baby’s soft, sparse hair.

“Let me take your bag,” he urged, standing up and moving behind her.

“Okay, but if you get tired I’ll take it back,” she said seriously.

He looked at her, nonplussed. “It’s like ten pounds.”

She stared at him.

“Ten pounds, Maddy….I’m used to running with seventy. Uphill.”

“Oh.” She said.

Running with seventy pounds? Uphill?

“Yeah,” he chuckled. “I could carry your bag, Emmie, and you up this mountain if I had to. Don’t worry about me, sweetheart.”


She grinned sheepishly even though she wanted to squeal at the little endearment. “Still. I feel guilty making you carry my stuff. I’ll make it up to you. How about a batch of cookies?”

Something in his expression flickered as he paused in the act of putting her pack inside his larger one. “Yeah. Cookies would be nice.”

He pulled her to her feet and led her up the mountain, much more slowly this time.

Chapter Eighteen


Kyle had to stay conscious of his speed the whole hike. When he’d planned out this route, he’d forgotten to take into account her level of physical fitness.

He felt like an asshole.

They’d come to an agreement though, and he was determined that she would enjoy this as much as he was.

He’d told her the truth earlier. His day was perfect. It had been perfect the moment she’d pulled up and he’d seen her get out of the car.