Page 69 of Her Summer Hope

Her friend snickered and elbowed her under the table while she glared at the big man. Wyatt looked thrilled with the impending fight and John’s mind seemed far away.

There was an empty chair for Madison next to Murdock, but she still hadn’t come out.

“Have you seen Madison?” he asked the man. “I haven’t seen her since she took the baby in.”

“I don’t see why she can’t just eat in the kitchen,” the brunette said. He still didn’t know her name, and he didn’t care. “My dad never let the help eat with us.”

“Well, your dad’s also in prison now for stealing his client’s money, so I’m guessing he wasn’t such a paragon,” the other blonde chided.

“You are such a bitch. I don’t even know why you’re my best friend,” the brunette said, rolling her eyes.

“Psssh. You love me,” the girl retorted, draining her cup yet again. “Besides, you never would have made it if it wasn’t for me hooking you up with that old man.”

They all started laughing as the men looked on in astonishment and antipathy.

Even Wyatt seemed to be second-guessing his evening plans with them.

Aiden was at the head of the table in his wheelchair. The girls had temporarily given him attention because of the eyepatch and the scars, but when he refused to play the game, they left him alone and returned to Wyatt.

John was eating next to him. Murdock had taken his food and water and left, probably for the woods.

Kyle decided to go inside and find Madison. He’d lost his appetite.

The kitchen was silent and still. The dishes were piled neatly near the sink and it struck him yet again that she refused to use the dishwasher and preferred to wash them by hand. He passed through the door and into the hallway.

Everything was completely quiet.

He went into the living room, maybe expecting to find Madison playing with Emmie on the rug, but there was nobody there. Had she gone upstairs to see Jace? He knew she hadn’t left because her car was still here and he would have seen her, even if she’d gone through the front. Plus, she’d never leave dishes for someone else to clean up. She had to be here somewhere.

He had a sudden thought and went back to his room.

The door opened without a sound and he peered into the room. His breath caught when he saw Maddy and Em curled up on the big bed together, fast asleep. Her dress draped over her curvy hips and thighs and fell into a beautiful waterfall of material onto his plain bed. Em was curled up into a little ball next to Maddy’s chest, her mouth opened slightly in a tiny pout with traces of milk on her chin. Her downy blond hair shone in the dim sunlight and she looked perfect.

He felt a smile tugging at his lips as he studied her makeshift wall of pillows and diaper bag to keep Em from rolling off. From the way she had her arms curled around the baby, he didn’t think Em could move one inch without her knowing about it and waking up immediately.

He was walking closer and studying the two and how similar their faces were when he noticed Maddy’s dress was unbuttoned. The lace edge of her bra was showing and he saw more cleavage than he would ever be able to get out of his mind.

He turned away and tried not to think about it, about how nice it would be to lay on the other side of the bed, curled up with them…his own family. The longing was fierce, stronger than almost anything he’d ever felt.

His chest clenched and he left the room, wanting more than ever to forget his morals.


He finished his meal and chatted with the others while he waited for Maddy to wake up.

He was relieved when Wyatt left promising to get the girls back to their street corner safely. One of the blondes seemed to think that was the funniest thing she’d ever heard while the other two scowled.

He wondered for a moment if Wyatt would still spend the evening with one or more of them. He hoped not. He hoped the man had more respect for himself than that, but he just didn’t know.

Wyatt Evans was a complicated man.

The world saw a man concerned only with the next conquest, the next challenge—however meager it might be—but Kyle knew better. Wyatt was using women the same way another man might use drugs, alcohol, or—and he was thinking of himself here—even exercise and work.

He blocked out the bad memories with sex and Kyle didn’t know how to help him, or even if he could. He supposed one day the man might get tired of it. Maybe he’d find someone and settle down and learn some slightly better coping methods. He hoped so anyway.

Murdock came back as soon as they left, and Kyle figured he’d been watching from the treeline. John slapped Aiden on the shoulder and complimented the meal, but he soon took his leave as well.

Madison came out eventually, as the sun began to touch the trees, a bit blearily and with shadows under her eyes. She had a line on her cheek from the pillow.