He’d only have one and then switch to water. Aiden had made fun of him for being a health nut, but he really was a health nut. He made rare exceptions, like Maddy’s desserts and the occasional alcoholic drink.
Evans was holding a fussing Em while chatting up the two blondes.
To Murdock’s delight, his blonde—Pamela or Portia, something like that— had given up on chasing him around the woods and settled in to share Evans with her friend.
Kyle could have told her that she’d never keep up with Cal in the woods if he didn’t want to be found.
The brunette was still standing by his side, prattling on about her hair appointment with him and John, and thrusting her barely-covered breasts in his face at every opportunity. He wasn’t listening and by the noncommital noises John was making at the appropriate moments, he was sure that John wasn’t either.
He seemed to be more withdrawn lately, and that was something Kyle needed to check in with him about. Jace as well. The man had been getting along better with the guys, but he drew the line at attending the cookout.
Wyatt had promised to smuggle him up some burgers and beer later.
The girls laughed and tossed their hair around while Wyatt gave them his entire attention.
Really, where the hell had he found these girls? It was uncomfortable as fuck.
Madison was going back and forth from the kitchen setting up the table with food and flatware and refilling the cooler. He was enjoying watching her as she worked. The domesticity of it pleased him, though he didn’t dwell on why.
He noticed she was keeping a close eye on Emmie, and that made him inexplicably proud.
She was a good mother. He couldn’t believe how she’d managed to cope with taking care of a baby, a house, and working so much.
She was strong, and he liked that. She could withstand…stuff.
“Excuse me. Can you get me a refill?” the brunette said, pausing her diatribe about the nail tech that had ruined her nails to call out to Maddy.
He and John looked at her as she waggled the empty glass she had thrust out to Madison.
Even Wyatt had stopped to frown at her.
Madison just looked at it a moment before shaking herself. “Uh, of course. What are you drinking?”
Madison started to set down the heavy pan, but Kyle would have none of it. The bitch hadn’t even said please.
“I’ll get it, Maddy. You finish up here so you can sit down with us when we eat.”
Kyle snatched the brunette’s beer glass from her and stalked the five feet to the cooler before popping the top and pouring the beverage. His anger was controlled, but it still simmered.
Maddy wasn’t a servant and he’d be damned before he let some skank from the city treat her like one. The only reason he was being so polite to the strangers was that they’d been invited by Wyatt and he wouldn’t treat a guest badly unless he was forced to.
Maddy gave him a small smile and he winked at her.
She giggled and he knew she was remembering their conversation in the kitchen. He found it hard to take his eyes off her. She was only working, but it seemed like the most fascinating thing ever at the moment, especially considering the company.
Her hair was swinging in the braid she always kept it in while cooking, and he had the urge to release it from its tie and separate the strands, running his fingers through them and watching the way the sun illuminated the many colors.
The sundress she wore was modest, yet alluring. The small, blue flowers gave her skin a milky glow and made her green and copper eyes stand out like precious stones. The white apron added a touch that he could only describe as ‘wifely’ in his mind…and that was dangerous.
He swallowed and turned away from the overwhelming feelings…and found John staring at him with sad amusement.
“Man…you’ve got it bad, brother.”
“I do not. Maddy is married.”
“Happily?” John asked, taking a swig of his drink and watching her as she came back from the kitchen.
“Doesn’t matter. Married is married. I won’t ever come between a woman and her husband,” he said, ending the conversation.