She was being sued, and she had a terrible feeling that she knew exactly who it was and what it was for.
Chapter Twelve
Kyle was brooding.
Earlier, John had disappeared and left him at the vegetable stand with Murdock, who was too engrossed in the kale and squash to speak to. When he’d scanned the streets looking for Taliban threats or other fun things to do, he’d seen an angel.
Not literally, but she was beautiful and ethereal enough in the sun to pass for one.
Madison sat at a table in front of the bookstore down the street. She was beaming at something someone was saying.
He watched her as she took their money and deposited it into the cash box. Then, she was looking all around with that little smile still on her face.
Her skin glowed and her hair burned golden brown with fiery red strands under the sun. She wore a simple dress that skimmed her curves without being immodest. She was enjoying herself and it showed. He followed her gaze as she looked wistfully at the children’s booths.
He wondered if she was imagining bringing her baby someday.
He drew in a harsh breath and chided himself for getting carried away. She wasn’t his and he couldn’t be looking at her like this. It wasn’t right.
He scraped a hand through his hair and put his cap back on, drawing it down to shade his eyes.
Murdock was still busy, but even though he seemed engrossed, Kyle knew he was still staying vigilant. The big man’s eyes were constantly moving, always taking in the changing crowd. Nobody would get the drop on them.
Then, something almost magical happened.
Madison looked right at him and the wave of longing he saw in her eyes almost broke down every barrier he’d put into place.
She wanted him, even if it was only for an instant. She wanted him and hadn’t been able to hide it. It didn’t make it any easier for him. In fact, it made it much harder.
He couldn’t turn away.
Her glowing countenance and the need on her face were potent and undeniable. He watched her, letting her see that he saw her, that he was there.
Then, a blond man came up beside her and put a hand on her shoulder and he wanted to break his arm for touching her…and quite possibly break his neck too.
He shook himself and turned away, fading into the crowd at the back of the stand. The uncharacteristic possessiveness and anger had startled him. He had absolutely no claim on her whatsoever, and he never would. Ever.
He leaned against the wall in a shaded alley near the bakery and closed his eyes for a brief second. How the fuck had he come to develop feelings for that woman so quickly, and why did she have to be married?!
Didn’t he deserve a break? A little happiness?
He slammed his palm against the side of the brick building and pushed himself away. Maybe he just needed to let her go. If she didn’t work there then he likely wouldn’t see her again. They didn’t seem to frequent the same places and if he didn’t see her then maybe it would all go away.
No. He couldn’t do that. She needed the money. She needed the money desperately enough to work two jobs with a new baby.
He could help her find a new job, but he found that option unpalatable.
Who knew how she would be treated at a new job? They could take advantage of her gentleness. They could overwork her. The boss could be a sleazebag.
No. She was safest where she was.
He was just going to have to control himself. It was going to be hard, but as long as she didn’t look at him with that fierce yearning, he thought he could keep things professional.
At lunchtime, he’d found himself going over to the bookstore. Nobody was manning the table out front, so he browsed the books waiting for her to come back.