I sighed. “Alright guys let’s leave.”

We exited the room and took a seat.

Who’s idea was it to make these chairs so uncomfortable?

We waited until Linda came back with a smile.

“Midnight has successfully brought 6 new puppies into the world.”

I ran toward Midnight. She was nursing 6 puppies.

“Can I keep one?” Xander asked.

“No.” I replied.

He pouted. “Aw c’mon. They’re so cute. I’m going to name that brown one Oatmeal.”

“You can name them but you can’t keep them.” I said. “Besides there’s two brown ones.”

“Yes, but the other one has white paws. The one that I named doesn’t.” He pointed out.

“Well Xander already named Oatmeal. What other names do you guys have in mind?” I asked everybody else.

“The other brown one could be named Coco.” Gina said.

“The brown and white one could be named Lucky.” Noah suggested.

“The dark brown and white one is Stripes.” Iesha said.

“The other dark brown one with white could be Dip.” Jamie said.

“Why Dip?” I asked.

“Because his tail looks like it was dipped on white.” She explained.

“That just leaves the completely black one.” Blake says.

“It kinda looks like that German Shepard I saw with Midnight.” Xander cut in.

I glared him. “Just shut up.”

“I think we should name it, Midnight Jr.” Jamie suggested.

“Nah. Been there, named that.” Xander waved her off.

I turned to the puppy. It started crawling but fell on its back.

It started struggling like a turtle on its shell.

Midnight picked up the puppy and set it back next to her stomach.

“Clumsy.” I suggested.

“You want to name him after a smurf?” Xander asked.

“It’s suits him. Look at him.”

We all turned to him and he was on his back again.