Two seconds later we heard a noise come from the kitchen.
We all snapped our heads in the direction of the noise.
I turned back to the board. “OK, can you move a chair or something?”
I looked to the kitchen island the stool fell over.
We all gasp.
“Why would you ask that!?” Justin yelled.
“I was curious!” I yelled back.
“OK, maybe we should say good bye to this ghost.” Iesha suggested.
Me and Justin nodded. We were about to say ‘goodbye’ but was cut off by loud banging at the door.
We blew out a scream.
“Goodbye!” I quickly said.
The piece slowly moved to ‘goodbye’ but the banging continued.
“We said ‘goodbye’ why isn’t it leaving us alone?” Iesha asked.
“Maybe we offended it.” Justin thought.
“How do you offend a ghost!? Say ‘you can’t pull off that ectoplasm, it’s not your color.’” I said sarcastically as the banging got louder.
Before anyone could respond the door busted open as we all let out a loud scream.
A guy in a black hoodie entered.
I quickly grabbed my bow and arrows I keep under the couch and aimed it at the man.
He took off his hood. “What is going on here!?”
“Blake?” I put away my bow and arrow and started hitting his arm. “You. Scared. Me. Half. To. Death.”
“Ow.” He whined. “I smelled rogues and I thought you were in trouble.”
I stopped hitting him. “Blake these are my friends Justin and Iesha. They’re huge rogues.”
“What? I thought you hunted rogues.” He loomed at me with confusion.
“I have met some good rogues over the years but I trust these guys the most.” I pinged to them.
“Hi.” Justin greeted nervously.
“Why is there another male with you?” Blake growled.
“He has a mate and he’s gay.” I explained.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” He apologized to Justin.
Justin just waved him off.
“Blake why are you here?” I asked.