I looked at her. She had a good coin around her neck.

Why would she have that!?

“That’s a pretty little coin you got there.” I had anger in my voice.

She looked at it then back at me.

“Don’t even think about getting it.” She grabbed another arrow and pulled the string back.

“So it’s special to you.” I smirked.

She just stood in her spot with no emotion.

I growled and tackled her.

She released the string but the arrow hit a tree.

I put my hands around her neck and quickly unhooked her necklace.

Before I could snap her neck she kicked my ‘area.’

I groaned and rolled off her. I cupped my manhood.

If I can’t have children, I blame her.

She grabbed another arrow and shot my leg.

“Don’t even think about following me or I’ll kill you on the spot.”

Before leaving she took out a dagger and cut an ‘R’ on the rogue’s forehead.

After getting back my energy from her kicking me I pulled out the arrow from my leg.

I looked at the ground. Her gold coin was on the floor.

I picked it up and put it around my neck.

Don’t want to lose it.

‘Or you just want it to remember her by.’ Gavin smirked.

‘I’m going to lure her into a trap. No one has ever seen her without her mask. Until me.’

‘Whatever. Can we go out to eat. I’m starving.’ He complained.

‘First you want to go for a run and now you want to eat. You know what I’m to hungry to care.’

* * *

Now I’m at Dina’s Diner with my beta, Xander and my Third in Command, Noah and their mates, Gina and Jamie.

The waitress, Dina, came to take our orders.

I while we were waiting for our food I told them about the Huntress in the woods and how I got her gold coin.

“Was she cute?” Xander asked.

Gina hit him upside the head.