Page 112 of The Alpha's Huntress

Blake’s POV

Artemis ran out of the room crying.

‘You little shit! Why did you do that!?’ Gavin growled at me.

‘I didn’t mean to! I was just shocked.’

‘And you couldn’t kiss her or hug her to tell her that we do want it!’

‘I was still processing what she said!’

‘She’s carrying our child! What’s there to process!?’

‘You’re right I’ve been a little shit, but now she won’t want to see me.’

‘Go to her before I do!’ He growled.

I went to the guessed room that Artemis ran to.

I knocked on the door softly.

“Artemis?” I called out.

No reply.

“Artemis let me in.”


“I’m coming in.”

I turned the nob but the door was locked.

“Always stubborn and difficult.” I mumbled to myself.

I kicked down the door.

Artemis was asleep on the bed. Her face was tear stained and her eyes and nose we’re red and puffy.

I picked her up bridal style and walked back to our room. I laid her down on our bed and placed a kiss on her stomach.

Midnight came in with a few of her puppies and they all laid down next to Artemis’s stomach.

I sat down next to Artemis and shook her awake.

She stirred around in her sleep. When she opened her eyes I slammed my lips onto hers.

She gasped but quickly recovered and kissed back.

I’m pretty sure she didn’t want to but she did it anyway.

I pulled away.

“You can’t just kiss me and expect me not to be mad at you.” She pointed out.

“I want this child. I don’t want you to think that I don’t want it.” I went straight to the point.

“Is that you talking or Gavin?” She narrowed her eyes.