She fell to her knees and stared off into space. She showed no emotion. She looked like a statue.
The rogues now saw her vulnerable.
Me, Justin, and Tyler surrounded her and fought off the rogues.
“C’mon Mate. You know you missed me.” Alpha Mac smirked.
All three of our heads snapped is direction.
Tyler growled loudly.
Anger washed over me. He had no right to call her mate.
“I’m going to kill you!” I yelled it was loud enough for him to here over all the growls and snarls.
His head snapped to me. He shifted as I started to run towards him.
He started to run to me growling and snarling.
He jumped in mid air. I injected the sword into his mouth and it came out his back.
“That’s what you get for being an ass.” I pulled the sword out of him.
Iesha screamed in pain and held her chest.
The rest of his pack felt the same pain of their alpha dying.
I ran to Iesha and injected a needle in her arm.
She jolted up and looked energized.
“What happened? I don’t think I want to know. I’m hungry. Can I eat? No, wait I can’t we’re in battle. Why did I feel pain? Did I-” she started rumbling super fast but Tyler cut her off by smashing his lips into her.
In case your wondering, yeah I gave her a sugar high with my anti-wolfsbane serum.
Tyler finally pulled away.
I looked around and most of Alpha Mac’s, and Logan’s army were nearly wiped out.
“Iesha I will explain what happened later but now I need you to tie Logan to a tree.” I shook her shoulders.
“Ok.” She nodded. “But I have to get close.”
Tyler growled.
“Not that kind of close dumbass.” Iesha scowled.
I rolled my eyes. “Follow me.”
Rogues we’re charging at us as we ran, trying to keep us away from Logan.
I sliced and stabbed every rogue that got in my way.
We were about a yard away from Logan.
“Iesha tie him to a tree now!”
She nodded and wrapped a tree around Logan.