Page 104 of The Alpha's Huntress

Shock took over my face.

Artemis wouldn’t do that.

She wouldn’t just give up. She’d keep fighting.

If I know her she’s looking for all of us right now.

“Are you guys ok?” I asked everyone.

“We’re chained in silver. How do you think we’re doing!?” Gina yelled sarcastically.

“I’m just going to pretend those are your hormones talking.” I replied.

“Gina, calm down.” Xander told his mate.

“No! You heard the guards. Not one sign of Artemis or Robin Hood. She’s not coming.”

“The day Artemis stops being loyal is the day I kiss Logan.” Justin stated.

Johnny looked at him. “Please don’t.”

“Well, he better pucker up and get a breath mint, because she’s not coming!” Jamie yelled.

“Why are you doubting her!? It hasn’t even been that long.” I cut in.

“Easy for you to say. You’ve been asleep this whole tim-”

“Enough!” Artemis’s grandma shouted. Her voice echoed off the walls.

We all jumped back at the power of her voice.

“If I know my granddaughter, and I do, she will be on her way. In the mean time stop trying to bite each other’s heads off and be quiet!”

We all nodded our heads.

“For a human, she’s really demanding.” Xander muttered under his breath.

Logan came back with a girl. She had a hockey mask on and a sword. Black hair and dark eyes.

“Guys meet, Ninja. An assassin I hired to keep an eye on you. She human but she still the best in the country.” Logan smirked. “They call her Ninja Because she never speaks a word to anyone.”

“Why are you waiting for Logan?” I ask. “Why not just kill us and get it over with?”

“Are you trying to get us killed, Blake!?” Iesha yelled.

Logan ignored her and kneeled down to my eye level.

“When your in pain Artemis can feel it. It want her to suffer with that pain before I kill you.” He smirked and turned to leave. “Make sure they don’t try anything.”

He closed the cell door as Ninja nodded her head.

She kept her eye on me the whole time.

“What’s with the hockey mask? It doesn’t go with your name.” Xander commented the assassin, with a frown.

Her head snapped in his direction.

“Really, Xander? Do have to tick off the killer in the room?” Gina glared.