He chuckled, and I couldn't help but join in. Leo reached across the table, taking hold of my fingers. I paused, meeting his gaze. He squeezed my hand gently, and that familiar warmth flooded through me once more.

"I promise you; I'll do whatever it takes to make things right this time. This isn't me pushing you. It's me expressing how serious I am about this," Leo assured earnestly. Leo's heart sank as he watched her withdraw her hands. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had just shattered something irreparable.

"I understand, Cassie," Leo replied softly, meeting her gaze with understanding. "I'll give you all the time you need."He bit his lower lip. I was right, he could only prove himself through time otherwise why would I trust him? He nodded.

“That’s fine then. I’ll be here proving that I’m waiting for you,”I gave him a small smile, rising to pick the dishes. He hurriedly joined me unsure if his movements were awkward and lacked their usual grace. He picked the cups and followed me to the kitchen, offering to do the dishes.

“A billionaire! Doing my dishes! Ha!” I laughed, fanning herself with my hand and throwing my head backwards. Leo joined me, his shoulders shaking as he laughed as well. I leaned against the counter staring at him, as the laughter died down, a small smile still on my lips. He shook his head. He loved this— this rhythm of washing the dishes like he had before his mother found her new lover.

“I do think you need to sort out the issue with your family first...” I muttered as though reading his mind. His head jerked up, turning to look at me. He gave a small nod.“I do and I have for the most part. I have seen my father. I will keep visiting him. I’ve sent money for Aunty Isabella and hired her at Sound ease.It’s my mother I do not want to talk to.”

I chewed my lip and knowing me, Leo could almost swear I was considering telling him to forgive his mother.“Don’t tell me to forgive her,” he hissed.

I let out a small smile. “What? Like you’re not here asking for forgiveness too!” I jutted my chin at him. Leo pushed the thought to the back of his head, refusing to respond and choosing to focus on the dishes instead. However, by the time he was alone in the car driving home, the thoughts came back, hitting with full force. I was right. He should call his mother.

Chapter 23

My eyes stared through the window. I recalled joining at Sound ease. I wondered if Leo had chosen my workstation because he knew that I loved the view. At the time, it had seemed a little far-fetched and like I was daydreaming. Now, it seemed a bit like the truth. I sent off the last script via mail. Most of the shows I was supposed to assist with were morning shows and now I was free.

I exhaled slowly. Leo had asked me over the phone last night if I wanted to return to the airwaves, but I dodged the question. The idea seemed insane to me. I would be an on-air personality for California's largest broadcasting company. I returned my gaze to my laptop when I heard buzzing on my desk. It was from my phone. My eyes widened slightly when I saw the caller ID. It was my mother.

A small smile tugged on my lips. “Perhaps it’s time for a coffee break.”

I stood up, picking up the phone and heading towards the break room. It had been a while since I had spoken to my mother. I missed hearing from my parents. They were far away in Asia. I often procrastinated visiting them. I stepped into the elevator and picked the call.

“Hi Mommy! I’m so excited you’re calling!” I squealed, cheerfully.“My darling, how are you?” My mother’s voice came from the other end. Not as cheerful as hers but filled with warmth. I stepped out of the elevator and headed towards the break room. “I’ve been good Mom. Just busy with work and all. I told you about the new job at SoundEase yeah?”

“Yes I and I’m happy you’re working now but when are you planning to come and visit us? It’s been way too long Cass! We miss you!” I couldn’t help chuckling. I headed towards the coffee maker and turned it on, pouring herself some coffee.

My mother knew how to make the most dramatic requests. The sort that left you mostly confused and unsure how to react. “I mean it I! I miss you very much. Your sister came around last month and — “

My mother didn’t need to speak further. I let out a sigh. I often texted Lucy on WhatsApp, so they were in some sort of constant communication. However, I couldn’t help feeling a pang of guilt. It had been a while I had gone to see my parents and perhaps I should.

“I know Mom and I’m sorry. I’ve just been extra busy and super caught up over here with work buttt...” I dragged the “but” hoping I wasn’t making an empty promise and would actually be able to come around. “But I promise that I’ll try and come around soon”

“You better do that young lady! "I want to see you. I want to hear about working with the biggest broadcasting company in Cali,” my father’s eager voice said from the background. I let out a small chuckle. My heart flooded with warmth. “I promise Daddy. I’ll come soon!” I called, grabbing my coffee and taking a sip.

“And don’t come alone!” My mother hissed. “Bring a boyfriend along with you this time Cassandra!” I couldn’t help chuckling, slightly rolling my eyes. “Mother! You know I’m not seeing anyone!”

“Well, find someone! And if you can’t, Mrs Thomas has the finest son...” My father teased. I let out a chuckle, rolling my eyes. “Dad!” I cried. “stop trying to set me up. I’ll find someone. Soon?”

“You better! My sister had a twin last weekend!” My mother started. Listening to my mother, share family news always brought a smile to my face. As she regaled me with stories, I couldn't help but laugh along. It felt good to hear her voice, and I found myself wondering why I didn't call her more often.

I sipped my coffee while they chatted, a feeling of comfort spreading through my veins. They spoke for a few minutes before my mother spoke. “Alright Cassandra. We won’t keep you any longer. Go back to work but just call more often, okay?”

I smiled and nodded even though they couldn’t see me. “I promise more. I’ll call you more often. Tell Dad I’m coming soon too. With a boyfriend!” My father said and I couldn’t help the laughter.

“Well, we’ll be waiting for you I. Send love to Lisa for us and take care.” My mother continued, my voice softening.

“I will mother. Love you both very much! We love you too!” They chorused and I felt a lump in my throat. I heard the two-toned beep and resisted the urge to cry. I missed them very much and needed to see them. Taking another sip of my coffee, I headed into the hallway when I saw him.

I froze. It didn’t matter how many times I saw Leo or that they had become friends over the past few days. I still felt many emotions whenever I saw him. These included curiosity, excitement, uncertainty, anxiety, and love.

He looked much better today. He was in a charcoal gray suit, clean shaven and his eyes filled once again with his confident aura. I chewed my lower lip and considered greeting him. I was about heading to him when I felt a sudden irritation in my eye.

“Goodness!” I squealed, my fingers hurriedly itching against my eyes. Noel rushed towards my side. He was a coworker that I had become friends with over time. He stepped out of the break room and the minute he saw me, he ran over, concern on his face.

“I boo, are you okay?” He asked gently, reaching out to help blow off whatever had gotten into my eye. After huffing and puffing a few times, I blinked. I managed a small smile. “Thanks so much Noel. I think it’s gone.”