I inhaled sharply. His voice lured me and flicked me across the edge. All my senses felt heightened, and the unresolved emotions swirled to the surface. When Leo’s blue eyes widened, I blinked because I could tell he had seen the song of longing visible in my eyes. I took a deep breath.

"Sir, I believe it's crucial to focus on the present, Mr. Woodrow. Anything beyond that is irrelevant," I replied firmly.

Leo’s smile widened slightly, revealing a glimmer of desire in his ocean-blue eyes. "Agreed, Miss Evans, agreed," he said. Then he rose, put his hands in his pockets, and turned to leave the office.

I gave an apologetic look at the second man who had risen to introduce himself. The room was in silence and I could tell all of their eyes were on me. My heart raced. There was a mixture of both frustration and longing stirring within me.

I knew this would happen! I knew. I knew he would dig his claws into that magnetic pull that had drawn me to him three years ago. I hated that they were still so strong. I turned my eyes to my computer. He wanted the best, I would show him I could be the best. I huffed recalling the annoying nickname.

Leo left the office with a small smile playing on his lips. He had noticed it. There was something there, hidden in my brown eyes. He despised the fact that he felt the urge to run his fingers through my hair and kiss me passionately.

“Sir, the meeting is in five minutes” Jack said hurried beside him, struggling to keep up with his pace. Leo nodded. He made his way to the conference room. He pushed thoughts of me to the back of his mind for the moment. As he entered, the room buzzed with activity. SoundEase had recently acquired a major media conglomerate in LA. This meeting was crucial. It involved top executives and key stakeholders. It was a presentation on a strategic merger between the two companies.

Leo walked into the room, his posture tall and commanding. The minute he entered, his presence demanded silence. He wore a tailored blue suit. It made his broad shoulders stand out. He exuded confidence effortlessly. It was as if he needed no further assistance.

Taking his place at the head of the conference table, Leo scanned the room with a piercing gaze. The attendees shifted in their seats when he entered. It was a sign of his commanding presence. Leo thrived on such moments, asserting his power effortlessly. Executive, board members, and department heads alike had their eyes fixed on him. The atmosphere crackled with intensity as everyone hushed in respect.

“Good morning. Thank you all for being here today. As you're aware, we've recently acquired Beat Fm. "Today, we'll be discussing the merger of the two entities,” Leo started. His voice was firm and precise. His gestures were deliberate and confident.

He would go on to emphasize the key points and the room grew quieter as he spoke.

With a simple gesture, Leo signaled Jack to start the presentation. It was projected onto the large screen behind him. He then told the stakeholders about their collaboration's details. He quickly addressed any concerns or questions.

Once they were done, and he was sure there were no doubts or questions left, he bid farewell and rose up. He left the conference room. Jack tailed behind him.

As they stepped out, his phone buzzed. He furrowed his eyebrow. That was odd. Everyone who had access to his private number was informed of his schedule and knew when not to put a call through. One of such times were moments like this when it was barely 3 minutes after the end of the meeting.

Ignoring the constant ringing, he kept walking, but it didn't stop. Finally, he took out his phone, but there was no caller ID. He nodded to Jack, signaling he needed a moment, and stepped away to take the call.

“Hello? These are not the best times to call me,” His voice revealed the scowl that was on his face.The voice on the other end was hushed, almost conspiratorial, yet strangely familiar. "Leo, you will find the truth, and your shoulders will stoop." Leo’s eyes narrowed. “Are you drunk? Who is this? Shivers will run through your spine.” The voice hissed.

“What in the world?” He turned towards Jack, his eyes flashing. “Who in the world have you been giving my private number to?” Jack balked and shook his head violently.“Who the hell is this?” He snapped and suddenly heard the two toned beep. The call had ended.

Leo’s expression shifted from irritation to surprise. Snatching the device from his ear, he leaned against the wall and stared at the number. Odd. His mind raced with a couple of thoughts. Raising his hand, he curled his finger to call for Jack."Take down this number. I want to know who it belongs to," he instructed firmly.

Jack took the phone shivering and scribbled hurriedly on the notepad.Leo's expression turned serious. There was no room for frivolous pranks, and he had no patience for them. After retrieving his phone from Jack, he stashed it away, deciding to deal with the matter later. Checking the time on his golf watch, he made his way to the elevator with purpose.

He had a meeting in the next hour. Stepping out of the elevator, his phone buzzed again.

Leo's frustration grew as he retrieved his phone once more, this time to find a text from a different number. His usually composed demeanor faltered, replaced by a sense of urgency. Even his heartbeat quickened, betraying his calm exterior.

He tapped on the text and the words on the screen sent an annoying chill down his spine.

“Leo, remember that fateful day when you were just a young knoble head? The day when secrets were born and innocence shattered? The truth cannot be hidden forever. It's time to face the consequences of your actions. The past has resurfaced, and it won't stay buried. Brace yourself, for the reckoning is coming."

He furrowed his brow, perplexed by the message. What was this all about? Despite dismissing it as a prank, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there might be more to it. Perhaps it was just a disgruntled ex-employee from Beat FM seeking revenge. Whatever the case, Leo couldn't afford to let it disrupt his day or affect his emotions.

Leo scoffed. He dismissed the message as just a pathetic attempt to disrupt his day. He shook his head and put the phone back in his pocket. Then, he continued towards his office. He was determined not to let it affect him.

Chapter 11

Ibusied myself typing reports, driven by the desire to excel in my work. With focus and dedication, I meticulously crafted reports and managed schedules. The office buzzed with activity around me. Ringing phones and lively conversations were the familiar background noise. At this point, I simply tuned them out and immersed myself in my tasks.

When I heard the shrill ring of the landline beside me, I tilted my head, annoyed at the interruption to my workflow. I hoped it wasn't Cynthia, who always seemed to have some task for me. With an exasperated sigh, I picked up the receiver.

"Hello Cassie."

"Can you come to my office now?"