The world outside seemed to blur as I retreated into my own thoughts, a gloomy cloud hovering over me. I watched in helpless frustration as the train grew more crowded with each stop. The discomfort of the cramped space added to the scowl that had formed on my face.
Relief washed over me as the train finally arrived at my stop. Even from a distance, I could see the towering SoundEase building. Another sigh escaped me as I trudged along the pavement toward the building.
“Beggars aren’t choosers, Cassie. Beggars aren’t choosers” I muttered to myself. Arriving at the office, I met the receptionist. “Hi, I’m Cassandra Evans, I’m joining today…”
"Oh, you're the Cassie Evans?" The receptionist's eyes widened. Then, she quickly scanned me. Her expression shifted to one of strange disappointment. Why did she look that way? After what felt like a long, agonizing minute, the receptionist returned her gaze to mine.
"Please take a seat. I’ll call Mr. Woodrow's personal assistant. He will attend to you," she said with a smile that felt a little too sweet. I nodded my thanks before moving to one of the plush seats in the reception area.
My heart pounded in my chest as I glanced towards the elevator. A man, shorter in stature, stepped out, holding a file and a large notepad in his right hand. His steps were fast, almost hurried. He wore a blue suit that seemed too big for him, as if it would swallow him up.
His black eyes peered at me over the frames of thick glasses as he approached. With a warm smile on his lips, he extended his hand in greeting. "Good morning, Miss Evans. "I'm Jack Livers," he said. "I'm Mr. Woodrow's assistant." He spoke with a professional yet friendly tone. It was the kind that could easily put you at ease on an anxious day.
"I smiled back, rising just a bit to shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Livers,” I replied. “Great. Mr. Woodrow asked me to show your new office and introduce you to your role as a broadcasting assistant.” I smiled back and nodded. The man moved forward before looking over his shoulder to smile at me. “You should be glad, however. Most assistants don’t get such a space. It’s a nice one. The boss is clearly impressed with your resume,” he remarked.
I almost let out a bitter laugh, but I simply nodded. Impressed with my resume my foot! I masked my nervousness and followed Jack. He led me through a maze of corridors. I couldn't help but gush inside at the sleek and modern design of the building. It reflected the success of SoundEase.
Finally, we arrived at my new workspace. It was a multi-workstation with a few other desks. But, mine was close to a large window. The window overlooked the busy city below. I tried not to smile at that. Had he picked this spot for me? He still remembers how much I loved to look out the window?
Jack turned to me and gestured at the desk. It was adorned with a computer and a stack of paperwork. “This will be your office. You’ll help the broadcasting team. You'll handle scheduling and coordinate with guests. You'll ensure the smooth operation of broadcasting.”
I nodded and struggled to keep up as Jack went into the details of my responsibilities. I resisted the urge to ask him to allow me to record his listing with my phone. I took a deep breath the moment he left and allowed the weight of my new position to sink in.
Sliding into my chair, I grabbed the first sheet that was on the top of the stack. It was an orientation booklet specifically prepared for me. My eyes widened upon the realization that Leo Woodrow was the CEO of SoundEase.
“Impossible!” I breathed.
There was no way. Oh goodness! That just made things worse. I was definitely under his control at this point. I flipped the page in irritation, and my eyes widened at my pay. Why on earth would I get paid $7000 per month? How?
Okay. I was definitely not leaving this job, Leo or no Leo. Lisa was right. It was my best chance to get out of debt. It was also a big chance to prove myself and grow in the industry I had always been passionate about. I organized my workspace, arranging my pens and notepads as the other staff walked in. A couple exchanged greetings and got to know my name. Others simply breezed by, but I didn’t pay much attention.
I was looking through the orientation file when I heard hurried steps. They were running towards the office. A man dashed in, his eyes wide in alarm. "I think Ben's in trouble, guys. Mr. Woodrow just arrived. I barely missed him!" He exclaimed, heaving.
I raised an eyebrow in surprise. Monica, one of the women who had introduced herself earlier, let out a gasp, her eyes wide with concern. "Come on, don't just linger here," she urged urgently. "Hurry up and find your seat, or you might end up facing consequences too!"
"The man hurried towards a workstation at the other end of the room. I was still staring when everyone froze. I frowned, then whipped my head towards the door where Leo Woodrow stood in all his glory."
A huge lump formed in my throat, and I struggled to swallow it down. Leo looked deliciously gorgeous. He wore a gray blazer that hugged his body and accentuated his jawline. I was certain the Greek gods might have been jealous. As he strolled in, his gaze locked onto mine.
I desperately wanted to look away. But, my fingers trembled under the desk. This made it impossible to do so. He flashed me a mischievous wink, and suddenly the spell was broken. A surge of annoyance rose within me. Despite his charming demeanor, he was still the same man who once caused fear and chaos. I quickly reminded myself of my commitment to maintain professionalism.
I forced a polite smile, refusing to acknowledge the gesture, and turned my eyes back to my laptop. He walked towards my desk and tapped his fingers on the wood. Despite the urge to look up, I kept my head down, refusing to be provoked even the slightest bit. I sensed the lines of his lips tugging into a smile before he turned around.
The room got quiet as Leo turned around. I noticed a young man outside the door, wearing a blue shirt and jeans, his tie all messed up. Everyone seemed tense. The man hurriedly bowed, beads of sweat pooling out of his pores. “Good morning Mr. Woodrow,”
“You’re late.”
The room was filled with quiet murmurs as people exchanged hushed conversations. I glanced around and saw the nervous and horrified expressions on my coworkers' faces. It struck me then that Leo wasn't just a bully from our school days; now, he seemed to be intimidating his own staff.
“I’m…I’m sorry Sir. The traffic…”
"Ben, I don’t pay you to walk in late and stutter foolishly. I pay you to get here at the right time and get the job done. Your excuses mean nothing if you're still wasting my money on them," he hissed.
Ben’s shoulders slumped, and he bowed his head. It was almost as though he wanted to shrink away from Leo’s presence. Leo took a step forward, and the man would take a step back. The atmosphere grew heavy with tension.
Every eye around the room was fixed on them, wide with anxiety. “Do better or I’ll fire your sorry ass” Leo leaned in to yell into the man’s ears.
“I will sir. I will”