“That story you believe in is far from the truth,” I started, my voice calm. “Robert was never a monster, In Fact that was far from it. He was trying to protect you and your mother. He took the bullet so you both could be safe.” I pointed my index finger against his chest.
I rolled my eyes now the gymnastics we’re getting even more out of hand. “Protect us?” I blurted out, the anger that simmered within me, spilling from my lips. “He freaking put us through hell! He killed two souls and never showed any remorse!
I was sitting there in court and even the judge saw his disgusting arrogance! He refused to apologize even after I begged him to. I had to use his so-called estate to compensate the family and try to stabilize it in the past three years. So you’re wrong Aunt, I worked hard on that too”
She let out a sigh and leaned to touch my arm but I jerked backwards, shifting himself away from her touch. I watched with a lack of interest as another tear rolled down her cheeks. “Oh Leo. There’s so much you don’t know. Your mother kept many things to shield you from the truth and protect herself. Your father made mistakes, yes but he isn’t a heartless man.”
"Aunty Isabella, unless something different happened. But, I believe I saw it with my eyes. You're wasting your time."” I started and leaned back, getting a little bored.I leaned forward, wrapping my fist. “What if I told you your father was only trying to protect us all and it was indeed your mother who is the dangerous soul”
I could feel my hackles rising. I curled both my fists, my breathing coming out in short spurts. “What are you getting at?”
I know it's hard for you to understand. I hate to be the one to tell you too, but... she trailed off. She looked away and wiped her tears aggressively with her wrist.
I let out a frustrated sigh. If I didn't speak up, I was outta there.Problem was, I didn't have anything worthwhile to add. But then he gave me that fiery stare, and I stood up.
“Leo Woodrow, sit back down!” she snapped, pointing an index finger at him, tears freely running down her cheeks. “You, we’re drunk. You had been at a club as usual, drinking your brains away and your mother came to pick you up.” I hissed.
I frowned, cocking an eyebrow. What was I talking about? I sat back down, eyeing my suspiciously but at least interested in whatever it was she had to say.
“I had gotten a call from one of your friends and I hurried down without thinking. While you both were on your way back, your mother was pissed and trying to yell at you to behave better. She didn’t see the road, or she wasn’t looking and she hit two men. Then she panicked and smashed the car into the tree.”
An audible gasp left my throat and I leaned backwards.
You ended up in the hospital, she said in a rough voice. You were in a coma, and when you woke up, it's no wonder you didn't remember what happened. You were drunk, then the accident happened. Your dad stepped in and took the blame. He didn't want your mom to go to jail. Everybody thought it was my fault, but you never asked why I had this huge gash on my head.
I stilled. My palms gripped the edges of the chair, beads of sweat lined my brow. This shouldn’t make sense. Some things should just not make sense, and I hated how well this was starting to seem.
“So, He had to be stubborn,” I croaked, wiping the tears with my wrist. He had to act like he was a horrible man who had killed those people without remorse. It worked because everyone bought it. This included you, who had just gotten out of a coma. Your mother saw your father for the first one year and cut him off because she wanted to be with her lover in Miami. Your dad is almost dying Leo. He doesn’t even want to get out. He just wants to see his son.” she sniffed, her shoulders shaking from the tears.
The world was crumbling around me. I hated how my words made sense and how there were still gaps in my memory. I recalled waking up from the coma. I saw my father in the news and my mother by his side. I had a bandage around my head. I recalled being very confused because I knew my father was never a violent man. I swallowed.
“I…I don’t remember this. I don’t recall any of this” I stuttered, stunned. “Are you saying my mother was a murderer? That I caused the accident?” He balked.
Well, they both were to blame. If Aunt Isabella was right and my mother was losing her mind because of me, then I was probably just as guilty.
My aunt sniffed and rubbed her nose furiously. “Yes, I did. It was awful” she sniffed. “However, Robert took the blame to protect her. She couldn’t even imagine her spending the rest of her life in jail so he sacrificed himself.”
I could feel my mind turning in circles. I struggled to process what I was hearing but it seemed mostly impossible.
“But why didn’t they tell me that? Why did they keep it from me?” I croaked, my throat tightening.
Aunt sighed heavily and leaned back, using her palms to wipe the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Your parents believed it was best to shield you from everything. Your mother also thought it would be better if you didn’t remember what happened. Then she fell in love with someone else and just wanted your father to disappear from the face of the earth."
My mind was racing so fast that I had to hold my head with my palms. There was no way my mother, who was picture of love and innocence, could do something so terrible. I struggled to reconcile the images and I just couldn’t.
When I lifted my head, there was anger in my blue eyes, and I fired at my aunt. “You’re saying she lied to me? You’re saying I let my father go to jail and all the things she told me was just to cut him off from our lives?”
Aunt nodded without saying a word. I stared at her for a bit. If she was telling the truth, surely it would have come to the light. She would have walked to me at Sound ease or had an open one-on-one with my mother. She would not have used threats and strange games to pull me to this suspicious neighborhood.
I felt really angry and couldn't believe it. My mom wouldn't do something like this.
“You’re lying!” I fired; my voice filled with anger. “My mother would never do something like that! Even if she did keep such a secret, she wouldn't lie to me. She wouldn't do it just to keep me from my father, keep him away, and marry somebody in Florida!” I cried, my chest heaving beneath my tailored suit.
I felt like I'd been baked in an oven, sweat pouring from every part of my suit. My aunt leaned forward, her eyes tired and weary. "Leo, I understand that it's hard to accept, which is why I knew I had to bring you somewhere where I could tell you the truth. But I'm not lying. You deserve to know the truth."
“No! Stop this insanity!” I shouted, my anger boiling over. “Stop tarnishing the images of my mother with your ridiculous lies!” I stood up in anger. I refused to sit there and listen. The aunt and I hadn't been close. She was telling me lies that contradicted what I had seen.
“I’m not lying, Leo!” She cried angrily. I hissed and turned towards the door when her voice stilled me."If you're so sure, why don't you ask your mother for the truth?" She challenged. I froze, feeling cold shivers run down my spine. Knowing the truth would mean all my memories were false. It would mean I had treated my dad wrongly when he was only trying to protect both me and my mom. I turned towards Aunt Isabella; my eyes narrowed.