'Enjoy it,' she said, 'I've had the best few years of my life with that card. There's nothing I haven't done.'

She checked the diamond encrusted watch that rest on her tanned watch and jumped up. 'My driver will be here in a minute, I have a personal shopping appointment at Harrods,' she said with a wide grin on her face, 'care to join?'

Harrods? She had only been once to see the Christmas display with her parents when she was really little! She felt like she had to give herself a moment to let everything sink in though, so she politely declined, and flopped down on her bed when Emma slid out of the room.

She twiddled with the little black card in between her fingers, and sighed. This was better than winning the lottery... especially if she got to sleep with Joey Leonardo again.

After a few moments of staring in awe at her silver plated initials on the Amex, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and wondered what to do with herself. With so much choice, she didn't know where to start.

Still twiddling the card in between her fingers, it slipped out of her hand and sank into the mountain of plush that made up the creamy white carpet.

'Fuck,' she muttered, dropping to her knees to fumble around for it, when something caught her eye under the bed.

The grey duffel bag.