Page 66 of To Crave Truly

His eyes blew wide, and his smile grew against my fingers. “I love you too.” He nipped at the pads of my fingers. “Now, how about you ride me in the bath. I want to hear all those dirty little moans you make as I fuck you slow and deep.”

I gasped as he rocked his erection up against my core. “Who knew you had such a dirty mouth?”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about my mouth, baby,” he said as he sank deep into me. He was big and thick, and I could feel him everywhere. “But I intend to show you everything.”

Then there was no more thought. Just us moving together, claiming each other, and riding the waves of our orgasms until there was more water on the floor than in the bath.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


“It’s nice to have you back,” I said quietly as Jasper walked into the common room.

“It’s nice to be back,” he said with a small smile. He still didn’t look like the vampire I knew, still a little shellshocked, but I couldn’t blame him after everything he’d been through with Mordecai. “Where’s Lori?”

“She’s coming. Fenris has been with her but I’m sure she will be glad to see you up and about. Although, I’ll bet she’ll be pissed you discharged yourself against Levi’s orders.”

“I’m fine,” he said, brushing me off.


He smiled sheepishly. “Well, almost fine. Another day and another feed and I will be back to my normal crabby self.”

I laughed. It really was good to have him back. It also meant I wasn’t in charge anymore and that was a welcome relief. We fell into a quiet moment, the silence a little awkward. So much had changed. Jasper had been tortured for days, and I now felt something about that. It made me sad, that my friend had undergone such a horrendous experience, and it made me angry that he’d had to go through it. I was still getting to grips on all my emotions, but I was a swirling mess of all sorts most of the time and right now, I had the most overwhelming urge to hug him.

I threw my arms around him, catching him by surprise. “I’m so sorry, Jasper.”

“Um… okay,” he said warily, his arms out by his sides, unsure of where to put them.

I squeezed him tighter, relieved at the thought that I actually could squeeze him. There were moments where nothing but despair had creeped in and I didn’t think we’d find him and bring him back, let alone that he would be here, in my arms and—

“What the Hell are you doing?” Lori barked as she entered the room.

I dropped my arms immediately. “I was just—”

“Not you Alec, him!” She pointed an accusatory finger at Jasper.

“Told you,” I said with a snigger, but he just rolled his eyes at me.

Lori stormed further into the room, not stopping until she was toe-to-toe with him. “Levi messaged to say you were awake, but you’d taken yourself out of his care. How could you be so stu—”

He cut her off with his mouth, sealing it over hers and swallowing her words, turning them into the most delicious sounding moans. Fuck, it was making my dick hard, and I wasn’t even the one kissing her. A lance of jealousy, so hot and potent, sliced through me. Before I’d got my heart back, seeing something like this would have stoked my desire but now, I wanted to be the one kissing her because I wanted her too. So did my Hound. I could feel him clawing at my insides, chomping and snarling with a need to break free. I wanted to claim her and mark her as my own. But now wasn’t the right time. There was too much to do.

Cassian entered then and marched straight to her side, wrapping her in his arms and pulling her onto his lap on the sofa. Such a caveman. Jasper just smiled as she laughed at Cassian and Fenris looked very well satisfied. There went the jealousy again. There I was, working my ass off trying to figure everything out, keeping the team together and fighting off the fucking Circle and there they all were, happy as fucking pie. How the Hell was that fair?

It wasn’t.

A growl reverberated around the room.

“Alec?” Lori said softly.

“What?” I snapped. Jeez, I was moodier than a fucking teenager.

Lori flinched backwards and Cassian hissed at me for hurting her.

“Sorry,” I mumbled. “It’s been a long few days.” I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a few deep breaths. I hated emotions sometimes. At moments like this I wasn’t sure if I were coming or going and punching the wall seemed like a semi-reasonable thing to do. Or screaming. Yeah, that. I wanted to do that.

I sat on the sofa opposite the others and waited until Saskia and Rae had joined us. I looked around all the faces and realised this was the first time we’d all been together in a long time. Had it really only been a week since Mordecai had taken Lori?