Page 7 of Montana Haven

"Look at Emily, Mia. She's getting the hang of the move. You can tell she's starting to feel at ease around here, especially with Dylan. They’re fast becoming buddies," he declares, his voice laced with a note of relief and joy.

I can't help but return Jake's grin, watching our kids mingle and feeling a warm glow inside.

"That's fantastic," I say, my heart ballooning with emotion. "Moving to a new spot is always a big deal for youngsters. And let's be honest - for me too. I was scared stiff when we first left Cedarvale. But seeing her buddy up with Dylan... soothes my soul. Having even one friend in town will make her feel at home here." My words drip with gratitude for the unexpected warmth we've stumbled upon in this new chapter of our lives.

"And aren't you thrilled to be jumping in as one of the nature crafts teachers? It's just in the nick of time since we've been itching for another teacher to help spread the classes. We reckon it's better to keep classes cozy so every kid gets that precious one-on-one time they need. With just three teachers and close to 28 kids showing up regularly, we were looking at ten kids per class."

It never hit me why ten kids with one teacher felt off until it dawned on me... things are different out here. The arts and crafts classes I taught in the bustling city always included at least 15 kids. But in these smaller towns, it's clear why keeping the teacher-to-child ratio low is critical.

"Now, with you stepping up as the fourth teacher? It slices the 28 kids, including Dylan and Emily, down to seven per class. This is a game-changer. Especially for the shy ones who find it easier to open up in smaller groups."

Later, as Dylan took Emily’s hand to show her a newborn calf, Jake turned to me, his gaze holding mine. "I'm happy you came today, Mia."

"So am I, Jake. I... I didn't realize how much I needed to be reunited with this part of the world. Thank you."

"No need to thank me. Pine Creek has always been your home, and we used to love coming here as kids for the pony rides. I'm glad you can see how much the ranch has expanded into something even more. And I can tell Emily is taking to the ranch quite well."

Silence fell between us for a moment until he asked me a question I had begun to think he never would.

"So.... about Emily's father..."

"He's not a part of her life. Clark had been... a very ambitious man. There's nothing wrong with being ambitious unless you're willing to do anything to get ahead in life. While together, he met this model staying in New York City and charmed her into falling for him. We ended things while I was pregnant, and I told him I needed nothing from him. He's off somewhere, being her trophy boyfriend, husband, or whatever."

His eyes widen in a mixture of concern and shock at hearing that.

"Wow... I'm so sorry to hear that, Mia."

"And what about Dylan's mother?"

"Amy signed over her parental rights a week after giving birth to chase after her ex. They had been on and off again for years before she moved to Pine Creek. He had come to town, convincing her to make up with him and return to New York. She idiotically did so, believing he had changed. From what I heard, they got married, had two sons, and he actively cheats on her."

He shrugs, feeling no compassion for a woman who could abandon one child to produce two more. I gently grab his hand, feeling so badly for him. Emily's father also abandoned her, but he had no more children after Emily.

Dylan's mother, however, went out into the world, creating two more children. That is a different kind of pain.

"Well, you are a wonderful father, and I can tell you make Dylan very happy. And he has such good manners!" I compliment Jake, which seems to lift his mood. He grins widely at hearing that.

We stand there, and a new understanding dawns between us. Something shifts, gently easing the walls we have built. I am not sure where this path will lead us, aware of the complexities that tangle around our ankles, but for the first time, I allow myself to hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, our story isn't quite finished yet.

But then, I remember Emily, and the steady beat of reality pulses through me. She is my world, my priority, and every decision I make places her at the forefront. I prioritize my responsibilities as a parent and the life I am building for us in Pine Creek, even though my heart may be pulling me in a different direction.

Chapter 5

~ Jake ~

Unexpected Feelings

I wake up feeling lighter than I have in ages. I have planned something extraordinary for us all.

"Daddy, is today the day we're going?" Dylan's excited voice cuts through my morning thoughts as I whip up breakfast. His eyes sparkle with anticipation, and his little body practically vibrates excitedly.

"Yep, buddy. Today's the day," I reply with a grin, ruffling his hair. "We're heading to the circus."

Right on time, the doorbell rings, and Mia and Emily arrive to join us for breakfast before we head out to Clearmont Ridge, the next town over. That's where Crigley & Co's Circus is currently setting up camp, and it's Dylan's sole topic of conversation.

After letting them in, I lead them to the kitchen, where Dylan greets them cheerfully from the kitchen table.

Mia enters the room, accompanied by Emily, exuding pure joy. Emily appears slightly cautious, holding onto Mia's hand. "I heard there'll be clowns..." She whispers, looking up at Mia with big eyes.