Page 50 of Montana Haven

I'm walking around inside the dining hall, gathering trash and leftover plates. My hands move methodically as I stack them into a bin.

The scent of the grilled meats that we had earlier still lingers in the air, blending with the fresh, earthy aroma of the ranch. It's been a full day, but the satisfaction of a successful celebration fills me with quiet energy.

Through the open window, I glimpse Mia holding baby Faith, her laughter mingling with the soft evening breeze.

She's talking to Joanie, who's rocking on her heels, hands clasped behind her back, listening intently. I can't hear their words, but the warmth in their smiles speaks volumes.

Mia catches my eye momentarily and winks, a silent communication perfected over our time together. I smile back, my heart swelling with pride. This moment, right here, is everything I've ever wanted.

I continue my work, but my mind wanders to the fire pit at the back of the ranch.

I picture the kids, eyes wide with excitement or fear, as they listen to the cowboys spin tales of legendary cattle rustlers and ghost stories of old miners lost in the hills.

The thought brings a grin to my face. There's something about the way those stories echo into the night, under the expanse of the starlit sky, that feels timeless.

Suddenly, a clatter of boots is on the wooden floor behind me. Turning, I see Emily and Dylan, their faces alight with the thrill of the stories they've been told.

"Dad, Jake!" Emily exclaims, breathless as I light up at her calling me that. "You should've heard the story about the haunted canyon! They say you can hear the sounds of the miners' picks against the rocks at night!"

"Yeah, and Tommy said he's seen the ghost horse near the creek on full moon nights!" Dylan adds, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement.

I chuckle, kneeling to their level. "Well, now, we might just have to take a midnight ride someday and see for ourselves," I tease, ruffling Dylan's hair. Emily squeals with delight, and Dylan nods vigorously, caught up in the adventure.

"Alright, you two, how about you grab your jackets so we can get ready to go soon? Those ghosts aren't going anywhere," I say, watching them nod their heads and run off to search for their jackets.

Turning my attention from Emily and Dylan's excitement, I find Mia in the corner, softly rocking back and forth in the old, creaky rocking chair that's been at the ranch for decades.

Faith is nestled peacefully in her arms, already surrendered to the dreamscape. The dim light accentuates the tiredness, shadowing Mia's features.

"Mia, love, how are you holding up?" I ask gently, my voice lowering to match the tranquility of the scene before me.

She lifts her gaze, a tired smile playing on her lips, "I'm just a little sleepy, Jake. It's been a long day, and Faith finally fell asleep." Her eyes drift towards Faith, the embodiment of serenity in her arms.

I cross the room, feeling the day's weariness mirrored in my own bones, but overshadowed by a warmth that the sight of my family always brings.

Leaning down, I place a tender kiss on Mia's forehead. The smell of her hair, a mix of lavender and vanilla, ground me further now. "I'm nearly done cleaning up here. Just a few more things to put away, and then we can head home," I whisper, my voice tinged with a promise of rest and the comfort of our beds.

She nods, her smile widening just a bit, "That sounds perfect," Mia whispers back, her voice laced with gratitude and love. We share a moment that threads deeper connections into the fabric of our relationship, rich with understanding and shared experiences.

With one last glance at Faith's peaceful face and Mia's reassuring smile, I return to my tasks, motivated to finish quickly.

The thought of heading home together, tucking in our kids, and retelling stories of haunted canyons and ghost horses until their eyelids grow heavy fuels me.


~ Mia ~

A New Chapter

I'm watching Faith take her first independent steps across the living room.

Her small hands reach out into empty space, and each step is a mix of determination and wonder.

She's a year old now, a bundle of joy and laughter who fills our home with the kind of happiness that radiates warmth even on the coldest days.

Her cheeks are flushed with excitement, and when she finally collapses into my arms, her giggles fill the room, echoing off the walls and burrowing deep into my heart.

Across the room, Emily is curled up with a book, but her attention drifts to her sister's antics. She's come a long way since starting school.