Page 43 of Montana Haven

The room around us, once a battleground of pain and effort, now feels like a sanctuary, a sacred space where our family has grown by one. Nurses move around us, efficient and gentle, but they seem almost like background characters in this intimate drama of our little family.

As the tiny and perfect baby is placed in my arms, a sense of peace settles over me. Looking at this new life, our creation, I feel an overwhelming sense of purpose and love.

Jake's hand on my shoulder, warm and reassuring, anchors me to this moment, this incredible point in time where everything that mattered led to this—our baby, our family, our future.

United, we find ourselves at the edge of a great, uncharted expanse, our hearts brimming with anticipation, poised to begin the most extraordinary journey of our lives.

The hospital room feels smaller now, brimming with the newfound warmth of our expanded family. Jake stands beside the bed, an unwavering pillar of strength throughout this whirlwind of emotions.

The door gently creaks open to reveal Emily and Dylan, their faces painted with curiosity and excitement as they tiptoe into the room.

"Mommy?" Emily's voice quivers, a mixture of awe and happiness as her eyes land on the tiny bundle in my arms. Dylan lurks behind her, his usual bravado tempered by the magnitude of the moment.

Jake ushers them closer with a welcoming smile. "Meet your sister, Faith," he says, his voice imbued with pride. Emily approaches first, her eyes glistening with light tears. "She's so beautiful," she whispers, reaching out a tentative finger to gently brush against Faith's cheek.

Their bond sparks to life in that gentle touch, an invisible thread weaving through our family, drawing us even closer.

Dylan, still hanging back a bit, watches with a wide-eyed wonder. "She's so tiny," he comments, his voice tinged with a rare vulnerability. The sight of him, so cautious and gentle, melts my heart.

I can't help but feel a wave of emotion washing over me, witnessing the love that envelops the room. The exhaustion from the birth and the lingering effects of the medication make everything seem more intense and more vivid.

"Would you like to hold her?" Jake's voice breaks through my reverie.

He carefully shows Emily and Dylan how to cradle Faith properly, ensuring her head is supported. Emily goes first. The joy on her face is pure and unguarded as she holds her sister.

I watch, my heart swelling with love and a deep, profound sense of gratitude. Dylan takes his turn hesitantly, but once Faith is nestled safely in his arms, a smile breaks free on his face, lighting up the room.

Emily beams down at Faith, her eyes dancing with excitement. "She has your nose, Jake!" she exclaims, drawing a hearty laugh from Jake, who wraps an arm around my shoulders, drawing me close.

"Yes, she does," he agrees, eyes mirroring Emily's joy. The room feels charged with a warm, golden glow as if the happiness we're all feeling is too vast to be contained by walls and ceilings.

"Look, she's opening her eyes!" Dylan's voice, filled with wonder and a touch of awe, brings our attention back to the tiny figure in his arms.

Faith's eyes, a deep, clear blue that seems to take in everything and nothing all at once, gaze back at us. It's a profound moment where time seems to stand still, allowing us to bask in the newness of life and the bonds that tie us together.

"I think she likes me," Dylan adds, with a note of pride in his voice, his earlier hesitation forgotten. He looks up, seeking affirmation, and finds it in our encouraging smiles. Emily, not to be outdone, chimes in eagerly, "And she held my finger! Did you see that? She's so strong already!"

I nod, my heart overflowing with love for these three beautiful children and the man by my side. "Yes, she's going to be just as determined and brave as her brother and sister," I say, thick with emotion.

The children's laughter fills the room, a melody of new adventures and shared moments. In this slice of time, surrounded by my family, I feel a deep, unshakeable contentment.

The challenges of the past and the worries for the future fade away, leaving only this moment of pure joy and the unmistakable feeling of being complete.

"We'll have so much fun teaching her everything, right, Dylan?" Emily's question is met with an enthusiastic nod from Dylan, his earlier vulnerability replaced by the confidence of an older brother ready to take on the world—or at least baby duties.

"Yes! And I'll teach her how to kick a football," he declares, prompting a gentle reminder from Jake that Faith might need to learn how to crawl before moving on to sports. Our laughter, light and carefree, fills the room again with more love and joy that Faith has already brought into our lives.

Jake captures these precious moments, his phone silently clicking away. The pictures, I know, will be treasured for years to come, memories of the day our lives changed forever, of the day our family grew by one.

Chapter 23

~ Jake ~

Another Obstacle

I stand in the hospital room, my heart swelled with a mixture of exhilaration and a twinge of nervousness.

While lying gracefully in the hospital bed, Mia wears a smile that could light up the darkest nights.