Page 5 of Montana Haven

I can't help but scoff, the bitterness seeping into my tone. "Dream? Is that what you call ditching everything for some fantasy city life?"

"It wasn't like that, Jake, and deep down, you know it. But you cornered me with that request. 'If you leave, we're done.' Remember?" Her eyes are bright with tears she won't let fall, and suddenly, I'm back to that night, hearing the desperation in her voice, feeling how her dreams slammed against my own, refusing to fit together.

"Mia, you're so caught up in chasing what you think is out there for you. Can't you see what you've got right here?" I argue, my frustration painting each word. "Is it so wrong that I wanted you to stay and us to build a life here together?"

Her voice wavers. "But at what cost, Jake? You were asking me to give up my dreams, to choose you over a chance to grow; to explore. That night... it felt like you were making me choose between love and ambition. How could I do that?"

I turn away, fighting the urge to close the distance between us. "Because I loved you, Mia. Because I thought you loved me enough to stay."

The silence between us is heavy, loaded with years of unspoken words and unresolved feelings. The sun's last rays disappear below the horizon, leaving us in the growing dusk - two hearts tangled in the past and unsure about the future.

"Jake, I..." Mia's voice trails off, and when I look back at her, the earnestness in her eyes hits a chord in my hardened heart. Maybe it's not too late for understanding; for healing. Perhaps it's not too late for us.

I take a deep breath, the cool evening air filling my lungs as I search for the words, the right words, that could bridge the chasm that's grown between us. "Mia, I... there's a lot you don't know. About me, about why I'm like this."

She folds her arms - a protective barrier - but her gaze softens. "I've always known there's more to you, Jake. But you've never let me in, have you? Even now, as adults, you're still closed off to me. Is it because of... being a single dad?"

The mention of my son, the center of my world, makes the words easier. "Maybe. It's not easy, you know? Every day, I'm scared I'm not enough for him. When you left, it felt like I wasn't enough for you, either."

Mia steps closer, her presence warm in the encroaching night. "Jake, I don’t doubt you as a father. It's just that you're always so closed off. Like you're trying to protect yourself from everyone, including me."

"Hey, it's not about you, Mia. It's just... life, you know? My dad was the same way - always keeping the world at a safe distance to dodge the heartache. He'd always tell me my mom his feelings though, and I chipped away at his tough shell. Living in a close-knit, love-filled town also played its part in him slowly opening up," I admit, looking away as the words sting more than I expected.

She reaches out, her touch light on my arm. "But don't you see, Jake? That barrier you've got doesn't just shield you. It blocks out the good stuff along with the bad. It even kept me on the outside."

I face her again, the moonlight playing on her features, soft shadows making her look almost otherworldly. "I get it, Mia. And I'm sorry. It's tough, though. Tough to change; to let down those guards."

"But it's not a lost cause," she counters, with a hopeful grin. "We can give it a shot together, just as friends, to start. I wouldn't dream of pressing for more after all this time. But we've got to remember the bond we had at first—the laughs and adventures we shared as kids."

Looking into her eyes, I feel a shift within me. Perhaps Mia's onto something. Maybe it's not too late for a new chapter for us. Glancing at my watch, I note we have about 45 minutes until dinner. Dylan and Emily are busy with their nature crafts, cooling down before we head home.

There's enough time, I reckon, to make my point clear to Mia that yes, our past was rocky. Our split was messy, but it need not dictate our now or our tomorrow. Looking at her, a thousand fireflies come to life inside me.

My feelings for her haven't dimmed over the years. I still love her. Maybe the puppy love of our teenage years is ready to evolve into a more grown-up love, prepared to embrace a future and blend our families.

"Okay, Mia, here's the truth," I say, my heart pounding with a heady mix of nerves and hope. "Bumping into you again after all this time - it's like a blast from the past. Emotions I figured were long gone, maybe snuffed out or deep-sixed post-grad, they're back with a vengeance."

Mia looks at me, her eyes wide with shock and intrigue. "For real, Jake? After all these years?"

"Yep," I confess, scratching the back of my neck, feeling all kinds of awkwardness. "When you jetted off to the big city, it knocked the wind out of me more than I ever expected. And it wasn't just you. When your folks packed up and followed suit... it felt like a double-cross. Not just to me but to all of Pine Creek."

Her eyes soften, and a spark of understanding flashes through. "Jake, I had no idea you took it that hard. I thought... I thought you were mad at me for leaving, not..."

"It was bigger than that, Mia. It felt like you all ditched the slow, sweet life here for the city's buzz. Chose it over the town, over what we had," I choke out, emotions tangling up with the words.

Mia reaches for my hand, and her touch is gentle. "I'm sorry, Jake. I didn't see how much our leaving hit you. For us, it was just chasing a new dream, exploring life beyond Pine Creek. But I get it now. It was more for you."

I nod, our hands linked, the weight of years between them. It's pretty funny that Mia is returning to Pine Creek with her kid after trying to shake off its dust after all that time. City life left her missing the little things Pine Creek offers. And she's been quick to point out, after just a few days back, how city folks aren’t exactly the friendliest.

Gazing into her eyes, something settles in me. "It mattered, Mia. But maybe... it's time to let go of that grudge. You're here now. And these feelings, they aren't just echoes. They're loud and clear, and ignoring them isn't an option."

Her soft smile as she squeezes my hand warms my heart. "I'm here, Jake. We've got a shot at making new memories. Maybe even re-writing our story. Wanna give it a go?"

That idea fills me with warmth, easing the edges of any leftover bitterness. "I'd like that," I say, feeling a spark of something incredible. Before I even know it, I'm leaning in, and our lips meet in a tender kiss.

Her sharp intake of breath mirrors mine, but the thrill of the moment overshadows any surprise. I'm tempted to keep kissing her, but I pause to see how she feels.

We're stepping back in a flash, the air crackling between us, heavy with everything we're not saying. Mia gazes at me, her eyes swirling with confusion and a hint of something more. "Jake, this... I'm not sure it's smart," she murmurs, her voice a ghost of a sound.