Page 28 of Montana Haven

The conversation about nursery themes is lively but gradually becomes quieter. Emily picks up her sandwich, still smiling at the thought of a dollhouse corner, while Dylan absently stirs his drink, lost in thoughts of adventures among giant wallpaper horses.

Meanwhile, Jake and I share a look, an unspoken conversation flowing between us. It is a look of shared dreams and aspirations, a mutual recognition of the joy of planning for our growing family.

We smile joyfully, acknowledging our children's excitement and sharing in our family's anticipation and imaginative spirit. Relief grips our hearts, knowing for sure that the children are really okay about the pregnancy.

Chapter 15

~ Jake ~

The Weight of Responsibility

I am standing in the stable at the ranch, taking care of the horses and getting my morning started.

The air is filled with the comforting and familiar scent of hay and horses, which always helps me find peace amidst the chaos of my busy mind. As I approach the horses, I can see their sturdy forms moving restlessly and their breaths creating a visible rhythm of life in the cool air.

Frank Harlow, a seasoned cowboy with weathered hands, is already tending to one of the more spirited horses. Despite his rough exterior, Frank has a unique way of handling the horses with gentle firmness that never ceases to amaze me. I watch as he expertly guides the horse, his movements precise, practiced, gentle, and reassuring. He has a deep love and respect for these creatures.

I take a moment to appreciate the scene around me. The stable is a place of calm and tranquility, a sanctuary that provides a respite from the stresses of everyday life. The horses seem to know this, too, and they move around contentedly, their large, expressive eyes reflecting a sense of peace and contentment.

As I continue my work, I am grateful for the opportunity to spend time in this beautiful place and to be surrounded by such majestic creatures. Moments like these make me appreciate life's simple joys and nature's beauty.

"Morning, Jake," he greets without turning, focusing on the horse.

"Morning, Frank," I reply, gently patting the flank of a nearby mare before grabbing a brush. We work in companionable silence for a while, the only sounds being the shuffle of hooves and the occasional snort or whiny.

After a moment, I clear my throat, and the words I've been holding onto suddenly feel heavy. "Frank, you must keep this low, but Mia's pregnant."

Frank's hands pause briefly before he resumes his task, a smile creeping over his features. "Well, I'll be. Congratulations, Jake. 'Bout time there was another little one running around your place."

The warmth in his voice eases some of the tension I didn't realize I was holding. "Thanks, Frank. We're over the moon, honestly. We just haven't told anyone yet, you know?"

"Your secret's safe with me." He looks at me, his gaze sharp but not unkind. “Are you planning on taking some time off, then? Once Mia's further along or after the baby comes?"

The question catches me off guard, hitting me like a cold splash of water. I hadn't even begun to think about that. Work and the ranch have been constants in my life for so long. Realizing that I'm utterly unprepared for this aspect of fatherhood sends me a jolt of nervous energy.

"I...I don't know, Frank. It hadn't crossed my mind until now." My laugh sounds hollow, even to my ears. "I guess there's a lot I haven't thought about yet."

Frank nods, understanding written all over his rugged face. "It's a big change, Jake. But you'll figure it out. You and Mia, you're good together. You'll make it work."

His assurance is a balm, but it doesn't quite quell my burgeoning nervousness. How could I have not considered taking time off? Mia will need me with two children and a newborn, and here I am, caught up in the day-to-day without a thought for the future.

"I guess we will," I finally say, forcing a smile as I turn back to the horses, my mind racing. This is just the start of a long road of planning and preparation, one I hadn't even considered until now. But Frank's right - Mia and I'll make it work. Especially since fate gave us a second chance to be together.

I approach the chestnut mare, running my hand along her flank before picking up the stiff-bristled brush from the wooden bench. "She's beautiful, isn't she?" I comment, my voice a bit steadier now, as I begin to work the brush through the mare's coat. The rhythmic strokes seem to soothe not just the horse but me as well.

"Yeah, she is. He got a good temper, too," Frank replies, taking a spot beside me, his attention on the young stallion tied next to the mare. He mirrors my actions, and his strokes are confident and practiced. "You know, grooming them like this is good for their skin and helps increase the blood flow."

I nod, my movements are more deliberate as I brush away the dirt and loose hair, watching it drift to the ground. "Mia would love this," I muse aloud. “She's always had a way with animals. She says they're easier to understand than people sometimes."

Frank chuckles a deep sound that echoes slightly in the quiet stable. "Might be she's right. Animals don't complicate things."

The conversation turns more serious as I pause, finding a stubborn knot and carefully working it free. "Frank, how did you manage? After your first was born, juggling work and family with Marie?"

He stops brushing, leaning against the stall door, a thoughtful look on his face. "Wasn't easy, Jake. But the secret is you have to be present. When you're at work, be at work. But when you're home, really be there. It doesn't matter if you're changing diapers or just sitting with them, be all there. And make sure your significant other is your partner in this. That makes it even easier to balance everything out."

"That makes sense," I say, the advice sinking in. I resume my grooming more slowly now as I process his words. "I've done well raising Dylan, but that's just one child. Now I'm having a second, something I never thought would happen."

"It's a learning curve for sure," he continues, picking up his brush again. But you find your rhythm. And hey, you got Mia. You two will figure out what works best for you, especially since this time around, you'll no longer be a single father."