“Just curious. Thanks, Carol.”
Is that what last night was all about? Val, didn’t know I wanted both of us to move? Could it be a misunderstanding? Shit! I better get this straightened out. I need to talk to Val.
I ring Val’s cell phone, but she doesn’t answer. I don’t leave a message.
Maybe she didn’t go to work. I walk over to her apartment, unlock the door, and walk in. She’s not here. She’s probably at work. I walk through her dark apartment, thinking about Val. What to say to her? I notice her bathroom light is on. I reach in to turn off the light when I notice something in the trash can. Is that?
No— I walk over to the trash can and look down. I see two pink faded but distinct lines.
She’s pregnant. Val is pregnant.
My head reels. I lean against the sink counter. She didn't tell me. She knows I’ve never wanted kids. She was on the pill. Damn it. How did this happen?
I shake my head ruefully. I know how this happened.
I walk out of the bathroom and make it as far as her kitchen. Then I sag into a chair. I put my head in my hands. I need to think this through. Dammit.
I sit there in shock. My mind spins with my thoughts. A baby. Val's carrying my child.
I think of a future without Val.
Suddenly, my mind clears. I stand up with purpose. There’s an urgency to my step. I need to see Val, to talk to her. Now. I don’t want to wait.
I jump in my car and drive to Carlucci’s. When I enter the reception area, I nod to Sue and then head toward the elevators.
“Hello, Chase.”
“Hi, Sue. I need to talk to Val.”
“You don’t have much time. She’s getting ready for an emergency board meeting. It starts in less than ten minutes.”
“Thanks for the heads up. I better hurry.”
I get in the elevator and push the button for the top floor.
I go to Val’s department and follow someone into the room. I go straight to Val’s office, and it’s empty. Shit.
I go back into the main room, and then I see someone I recognize.
“Dave. Hi, I came by to talk to Val. I know she’s got a meeting, but do you know where I could find her?”
“Sure, the executive conference room is down the hall. I’ll show you. Hopefully, you’ll be able to catch her before the meeting starts.”
I follow Dave down the hall.
I see Val. She’s getting ready to walk into the conference room. She is dressed in blue dress pants and a silk royal blue shirt. She looks beautiful.
She looks at me, and her eyes widen. “Chase, what are you doing here? I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for a discussion right now.”
“Val, I know you have an emergency meeting, but I need to talk to you.”
She bites her lip and then looks searching at me. She nods once, then turns and says, “We can talk in here.”
She opens a door to a small copier room, and we step inside.
“Val, first, we need to clear some things up.”