Page 10 of Twisted Destiny

She thanked Jackson for bringing her along and promised they'd do it again soon—further proof that she was finally beginning to open up to the idea that Twisted Tail wasn’t the same pack she had left all those years ago.


The wind whispered through the trees, sending a chill down Hayley's spine as she stood outside her uncle’s old cabin. It was nestled in the heart of the Twisted Tail Pack territory, surrounded by dense forest and towering mountains that seemed to loom over her like silent sentinels. She hesitated, her fingers lingering on the rusted doorknob, when her wolf whined in her mind.

“Can we please go for a run?”Her animal begged.

Hayley paused, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and fear. She was technically trespassing on the Alpha’s land and wasn’t quite sure if that was allowed. But then again, Calder had told her to make herself at home and that she was free to roam the territory as she pleased. After the hours she had spent mingling with the pack, her wolf was more than ready to run free. Hayley knew she could no longer deny her animal’s greatest desire.

So, without giving it another thought, Hayley gave into her wolf and called forth the magic she was born with. The air around her thickened, cocooning her in a blanket of magic. Her human form melted away as fur sprouted across her body. She stretched out her limbs with a satisfied groan before dashing off into the forest, branches, and leaves whipping against her fur as she rocketed through the trees, feeling freer than she had in a long time. Puffs of fresh air filled her lungs, energizing her every step. She had forgotten how damn good it felt to be in her wolf form. Thoughts and emotions that had been weighing her down instantly lifted, clearing her mind and what felt like her soul. Giving into the magic of her wolf had shaken the near-constant turmoil that had been surrounding her since she’d received the letter from Calder.

Hayley howled into the night sky, the sound echoing through the trees like a call of freedom. With each footfall, she felt more invigorated until, eventually, all her worries evaporated in the night air. All that remained was an exhilarating sense of freedom as she ran wild through the forest, reveling in the feeling of being completely alive.

The hours flew by as she refamiliarized herself with the land she had once run as a pack member, and before she knew it, dawn was peeking over the horizon, and she was exhausted. Her wolf begged for one last burst of energy so that they could make it back to the cabin before sunrise, but Hayley refused. She wanted to savor this moment for just a few seconds longer, relishing in what would likely be her last bit of true freedom before returning to reality.

So, with one final glance at the rising sun, Hayley shifted back into her human form and trudged back toward home. As she stepped onto her uncle’s porch, she felt lighter than ever before - something inside of her had changed during that brief respite from reality, and it would stay with her forever.

Hayley turned when she heard a familiar truck pulling up in front of the cabin. She smiled as Jackson climbed out of the truck. His tool bag was slung across his broad shoulders. An unfamiliar heat raced through her body. “God, he is so damn sexy.” She thought. His boyish grin melted a few more of the layers she’d built up around her heart. His black shirt clung to him like a second skin. His jeans showcased his slender hips, showing off that sexy-as-fuck V that made her mouth water. It had been so damn long since she’d been with a man. Thoughts of him naked on his back flashed through her mind, sending the heat in her veins straight to her core.

“Hey, I didn’t think you’d be up this early,” he said with a surprised tone in his voice. His nose twitched. His eyes flashed from human to wolf and back again.

Hayley shrugged and gave him a wry smile, taking a step back. “Yeah. I didn’t think I would be either, but I didn’t sleep. After we got back last night, I ended up going for a run. Are you ready to get started working?” As much as she wanted the projects on the house to be done, she needed some rest before she could handle any type of physical labor. She was dead on her feet—even if her mind raced with naughty thoughts.

“Yeah, unless you’re too tired. I can always work around the outside if you need to catch up on some sleep before I get started with the inside.”

Exhaustion swept over Hayley once more. “Yeah, I should probably rest.” She swayed on her feet, feeling like she was about to pass out. She had forgotten how much energy she used up in wolf form.

“Easy does it,” Jackson quickly caught her before she lost her balance. “Yeah, you definitely need to lay down.” He scooped her up into his arms. “Where’s your bedroom?”

Hayley was too tired to protest as Jackson easily scooped her into his arms. His warmth enveloped her, reigniting the heat in her veins that had died down. She snuggled into him and pointed toward her bedroom. His scent filled her nose, making her feel safe and loved. Jackson gently carried her inside, laying her on the bed and pulling a blanket over her.

“Easy does it,” he said with a loving smile. “I’ll get started on the outside of the cabin. Don’t worry about me. I can keep myself busy. There’s plenty to do. Just get some rest.”

Hayley closed her eyes and smiled gratefully before drifting into a deep sleep.

When she awoke a few hours later, she felt surprisingly refreshed. She quickly changed into something more appropriate for helping with the repairs, grabbed a cup of coffee, and hurried outside to find Jackson hard at work on the porch.

“Hey! You’re up!” he called out as she approached, a warm smile spreading across his face. One that made her knees weaken.

She nodded. “Yeah, I feel much better now. What do you need me to do?” A short nap was just what she needed to recharge. Something about being out in the mountain air was just plain reinvigorating for Hayley.

Jackson handed her a hammer and a few nails. "Just help me with these boards for now," he said, pointing to a pile of wooden planks beside him. "We need to replace the rotten ones before we can start on the inside."

Hayley nodded, grateful for the distraction. As she hammered away at the boards, she felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her. It was nice to be doing something productive, something that involved getting her hands dirty and working up a sweat. She also hoped that it would keep her mind off the emotions being home had stirred deep in her being. Emotions that left her feeling off-kilter.

They worked through the afternoon and into the early evening, taking a break only for a light snack and a drink. By the time they finished replacing the last of the deck boards, the sun was beginning to set, and Hayley was covered in sweat and sawdust. Her muscles were sore, but her mind was clear from the hours of manual labor.

"Thanks for your help," Jackson said as they sat on the porch steps to catch their breath. "It would’ve taken me twice as long without you."

Hayley smiled, feeling a sense of pride in what they had accomplished. "Of course, I'm happy to help. It's actually been kind of therapeutic."

Jackson chuckled, casting a sidelong glance in her direction. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've always found working with my hands to be pretty cathartic. Helps me clear my head."

Hayley nodded in agreement. A connection with Jackson that went beyond mere physical attraction began to form within her, and she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.

When she first decided to make the journey to Twisted Tail, she’d had no intention of getting mixed up with the locals, let alone finding her supposed mate or someone she was wildly attracted to. But there was something about him. Something about the way he carried himself, the easy way he joked and laughed, made her feel safe and comfortable in a way she had never experienced before. And then there were the feelings her wolf had toward him. After all, they were supposed to be fated mates. Whatever that meant. Hayley wasn’t sure whether she had ever really believed in the legend or not, yet there was no denying something was happening between her and Jackson.

As they sat there in the warm sun, a comfortable silence fell between them. Hayley glanced up to find Jackson watching her with a soft smile on his lips. She felt her cheeks flush with heat and quickly looked away, suddenly feeling self-conscious, covered in dried sweat and sawdust.