Page 22 of Twisted Destiny

Two of the wolves from Red Fang responded to the attack on their Alpha and went after Hayley.

“Oh Hell, no!” Jack fought through several wolves, quickly losing count of how many he had taken down. He no longer cared if he injured or killed those who were dumb enough to come at him. His teeth sank into opponent after opponent, trying to get through them as fast as possible. Bile rose in his throat at the thought of Hayley getting hurt.

He watched in horror as one of the larger wolves knocked Hayley off Trevor and onto the ground.

“Hayley! Watch out!” he shouted through the mating connection.

That’s when he felt the pain. One of the wolves he’d injured rejoined the fight, tearing into Jack the second he’d been distracted. Teeth tore through his leg. The pain was so formidable that it took all his magic to keep from shifting back to his human form. He spun on the wolf—done fucking around with him—and lunged for his throat. Blood poured over his snout and dripped down his chest. The taste of alcohol and drugs filled his mouth. Surprised by the foulness, he spit the blood out, not wanting to ingest a drop of it. He should have known. Red Fang had a reputation for hard partying, just like Griffin had when he was the Alpha of Twisted Tail.

* * *

Hayley had no idea why she’d thought taking on Trevor would be a good idea. Her jaw ached as she fought with all her might to stay on his back. Tearing at his fur and skin, he tried like hell to buck her off, but she managed to stay put. Jack screamed something through the mating connection, but she couldn’t make out what he said. She glanced up just in time to see one of the Red Fang assholes land a brutal bite to the back of his leg.

“No!” she screamed, breaking her concentration and losing her grip on Trevor. She turned just in time to see a huge wolf charging at her. There was no time to react. All she could do was take the hit. The air flew from her lungs as she bounced off the pavement. She jumped to her feet as quickly as she could to get back into the fray.

The giant wolf who had knocked her off Trevor charged her. She leaped out of his way. Another wolf she didn’t recognize grabbed the wolf and dispatched him. Calder shouted commands through the pack link. His enforcers circled the Red Fang wolves. Teeth clanged together as the Red Fang wolves attacked.

Hayley looked around for Trevor, not knowing where he had gone.

“Damn it!” she growled.

“What’s the matter?” Jack asked, limping to her side.

“Jack! Are you okay? How badly are you hurt?” Worry for her mate tore her thoughts away from Trevor for the moment.

“I’ll heal. No biggie. Where’s Trevor?”

“I don’t know. He was just here a minute ago. We can’t let him escape. He will keep coming for me. He won’t stop until he has me. He told me that.” She could hear the panic in her voice. Had she been in human form, she probably would have started into a panic attack.

A flash of fur caught Hayley’s attention.

“Trevor!” Without giving it a second thought, she bolted after him. Her wolf was just as anxious as she was to put an end to all of it. Trevor had taken everything and everyone from her. Had made her life a living hell. As far as she was concerned, he did not get to walk away from this.

She ran fast and hard. It was almost as if someone had lit her tail on fire. Trevor started to slow, his legs crumbling under him. Hayley was on him a second later. Her fangs tearing into his side, ripping fur and flesh from his body.

Screams erupted from his mouth as he shifted back to his human form. The fear in his eyes was a look she never expected to see. She could easily end him, saving his pack from being terrorized. But there was no glory in killing a man who was already down and out of the fight. Even if it was Trevor.

Her wolf growled and snarled at him, daring him to get back up.

“Easy, Hayley. He’s done. He’ll never hurt another human or wolf,” Calder said as he towered over her in his human form.

Hayley shifted back to her human form and glanced down at the whimpering Trevor. Gone was the trash-talking asshole who had haunted her for her entire life. He’d been reduced to nothing more than a pathetic piece of crap.

Calder nodded at his enforcers. They shifted to their human forms and began cleaning up the bodies of those who had fallen.

Hayley raced to Jack’s side, needing to know he was okay.

“It’s over, baby. It’s over.”

Hayley couldn’t hold back the tears as she collapsed into his arms–her emotions riding high and getting the best of her. Jack pulled her close, gently rubbing his hands up and down her back, trying to comfort her.

“It’s okay, baby. I’m right here. Trevor will never bother you again.” Jack tucked her head into his neck, not wanting her to witness the brutal end he would meet. “Let’s get you inside.”

Jack’s wound already starting to knit back together, he kept Hayley tucked into his side as they slowly made their way up the steps and into her cabin.

She took one last look across her driveway, knowing it would be the last time she saw Trevor. The last time she feared him. She nodded to Calder before closing the door on that chapter of her life.