Page 8 of Twisted Howlidays

Kendra relaxed, enjoying the food, and meeting several couples who dropped by the house. It was nice to socialize in a community of shifters. Everyone was interested in hearing about where she was from, learning about her family and about her photography career. Unfortunately, nobody had any good leads on recent bear activity. The general consensus seemed to be that it was already too late in the season.

As the afternoon wound down, she heard a familiar rumbling outside. A quick glance out the window made her shake her head with disbelief.

“Oh, dear God. It’s the rude monster truck boy,” she mumbled. Staring intently, she watched him greet everyone with handshakes and hugs.

Then he turned and faced her. Never had she seen a man like him. His green-eyed stare pierced straight through to her soul. Her heart skipped an actual freaking beat, and her breaths caught in her throat.

“Oh my God! And he’s hot too, perfect in every way.” Every nerve in her body tingled with a strange energy. It was an unexpected, magical feeling and like nothing she’d ever felt before.

“Mine!” She felt her wolf fighting to charge forward and take control.

“Calm the hell down! Why is he staring at us like that? Like he wants to attack me. Wait, he’s smiling?” She saw a sly smile form on his lips as he approached. And not just walked up, he had a swagger about him. Like he was about to play a game.

“Well, well. Tree Hugger. Glad to see the roads are safe.”

“Tree Hugger? So, you just made up a name for me? I could do the same, you know. Like, redneck. But you could’ve just asked.”


“Well?” She was surprised that she might have caught him off guard.

“I guess we started off on the wrong paw. I’m Ryan,” he said. His large hand seemed to swallow up her much smaller hand in his.

“Kendra. Now isn’t that more mature than Tree Hugger and Redneck?”

“Definitely. So where are you from and what brings you out here to Twisted Tail? A boyfriend?” he asked, quickly scanning the room. She was surprised that he seemed serious.

“Ha. Hardly anything so interesting. Nope. I’m a freelance wildlife photographer. And I live in the city, but I get out in the wild quite often.”

“So, a city wolf? How is that?”

“Well, other than my family and a few family friends I don’t get to socialize with wolves often. So, this is nice. My wolf and I are a little naïve to pack structure, and unfamiliar with all the new sensations we’re picking up.”

“Uh huh. I guess that would be awkward. But never fear, I’m not one to judge.”

“Other than the day I nearly ran you over?”

“Nah, it’s all good. So, what does a wildlife photographer look for atTwisted Tail?”

“I’m working on a calendar, and I have one last subject to photograph before my deadline. A pair of grizzly bears.”

“Grizzlies?” Ryan said, taken aback.

“Yeah, but everyone is telling me it’s too late in the season. The bears are already denned up for the winter. So, what do you do for a living, Ryan?”

“As a matter of fact, I’m a guide.”

“What, um, sort of guide?” Kendra asked.

“For all sorts of stuff. But it just so happens I specialize in guiding pretty wildlife photographers who are looking for grizzlies.”

“Hmm, is that right? And I suppose you know where the grizzlies are even though I’ve been all over the place and I’ve yet to find so much as a track? Nothing.”

“I’ve seen you up there, you know,” Ryan said. His eyes once again burned through her like lasers.

“That’s him! I knew it! He is ours!”

“Down! Calm yourself.” She told her wolf. Kendra wasn’t about to lose her head over some misconception her wolf had over meeting a hot new guy.