Page 3 of Twisted Howlidays

“Ryan, good to see you. Have a seat.”

Ryan joined Calder, taking a seat across from him. “Thanks.” Unsure of what else to say, he simply nodded to Calder.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why I asked you to stop by to see me. I’ll come straight to the point. I’ve been getting a few comments about your behavior. Now, most times, I don’t give a damn about most things I hear about the younger single wolves. Unless things get out of hand, I don’t see a need to get involved. In your case, I heard of a few fights, disturbing the peace, and shit like that. But lately, I’ve heard you’ve been spending more time as a wolf than a human. And for a single male wolf, that can be a symptom of something more serious.”

“A symptom?” Ryan asked, cocking his head to the side. What the hell was Calder talking about? A symptom of what?

“I know you’ve heard of wolves going rogue. And the other thing, there are now reports of a wolf being spotted outside of Twisted Tail territory—among humans. This is where it becomes a problem and when I need to step in. You understand how this could present a risk to the pack, don’t you?”

“I do. I just—I just can’t stop myself. I feel this need, to hunt, to search. I can’t even begin to describe it.”

“It’s your mate. Your wolf knows she isn’t here, so he is pushing you to go find her.” Calder explained.


“I want you to keep an open mind, Ryan. There is someone I know who has the ability to see what the Fates have destined. Someone I trust to help you, which in turn helps all of us. Once I make the call, she will set things in motion. I need your word that you will restrain yourself and stay on Twisted Tail territory. Don’t stray without my express permission. Are we clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

Driving away from Calder’s cabin, Ryan felt a wave of relief. Not only wasn’t he in trouble, but the Alpha was willing to help him find his true mate. Ryan could only promise to himself not to screw things up.


Four replies to my post, and all of them from some wannabe social media comedians. Assholes. I should have expected as much.

Scrolling through her notifications she saw a private message from a name that intrigued her—Willow K Sprout. Perhaps it was the simple message that she found even more intriguing.

“I know where you can find exactly what you have been looking for.”

Replying to a strange message went against her better judgment. Still, she was just curious enough to reply.

“Really? Exactly what I’m looking for? Have you seen these bears yourself?”

“Of course. There is a hitch.”

“There is always a hitch. Go on.” Kendra shook her head, anticipating some online scam. Hopefully, it would be creative and entertaining.

“Well, I happen to know you are a wolf. The place I’m directing you to is with the territory of the Twisted Tail pack. Consequently, you will need to present yourself to the Alpha, his name is Calder Lorensen. His mate’s name is Daisy. I’ll forward you their phone number and address.”

Kendra was physically taken aback. How the Hell did this stranger know she was a wolf? Could it be a trap?

Once she had the number, she was able to verify the name, the phone number and address was legitimate.

“Hello, this is Daisy. You must be Kendra.”

Once again, she was taken aback. How the Hell does everyone seem to know who she is? Hell, half the time she doesn’t even know who she is.

“Um, yes. Kendra McMillan. I’m a freelance photographer. I was given a lead on a project I’m working on. I’m planning to travel out your way and I was given this number to arrange a meeting with Calder, the Alpha for Twisted Tail?”

“Of course! Willow already called. We’re looking forward to meeting you. Willow said we might expect you in a day or two?”

“Yes. I’m on a deadline, so I’d like to get to work as soon as possible. I will be there day after tomorrow if that’s okay with you.”

“Perfect! I’m assuming that Willow gave you our address and directions?” Daisy asked.

“Yep! It’s already in my phone.”

“Perfect! See you soon, Sweetie.”