Page 22 of Twisted Howlidays

“I’ll never understand men, much less trust them. It’s not worth the headache and certainly not the heartache.”

“Oh, I don’t think so. When you find the right one, it’s worth it.”

“Hah. In Ryan’s case, I think the red flags are waving. Guess what else he did? He found one of my trail cameras and posed. Naked! Can you believe it? As soon as the passes open, I’m out of here.” Kendra’s mind was made up. No amount of schmoozing with the townsfolk could change her mind.

“Oh my God. That crazy wolf. You know, he told us that you are the one. The one fated to be his mate. Can you, with one hundred percent honesty, say that you don’t feel it also?”

“French toast and bacon,” Cam said, sliding the plates into the booth.

“Thank you.” Kendra paused, thinking about how to answer Bailey’s question. “Here’s the thing. I haven’t spent much time around other shifters. I don’t always understand what I feel. My wolf has other ideas.”

“I knew it. Your wolf knows. Doesn’t she?”

“She thinks she knows.”

“So, you are just going to blow out of Twisted Tail, and never look back? Even if your true mate is here?”

“Um, yeah. Why not?”

“Because you could be giving up on yourself, your destiny.”

“You think I should just run and throw myself into Ryan’s arms? Please. Despite how we met up on that mountainside, I actually do have some self-respect.”

“I’m not suggesting that at all. Listen, you’re stuck here for a few days yet. Why not flip the tables on Ryan? Have a little fun of your own?”

“You mean like a hare-brained scheme of my own?”

“Sure. Why not? Have some fun at his expense. It would be good for him. Think it over and call me later,” Bailey said, jotting her number down on a paper napkin before leaving as quickly as she had arrived.

Back at the cottage, she took another look at the trail camera photos of Ryan. What if he was the one? What if she never bothered to find out? What if she was haunted by a giant question mark for the rest of her life?

And she paced. An hour later she called Bailey.

“I’m in. What do you have in mind?”


Kendra adjusted the shoulder straps on the dress Bailey had loaned her. It was a little snug, but not bad. The plunging neckline certainly revealed more cleavage than she was used to.

“Ready?” Bailey asked.

“I think so. Why am I nervous?”

“Don’t be. It’s a dance. And it’s only Ryan. Nobody. I mean nobody should get nervous about him,” Gavin added with a laugh.

The three climbed into Gavin’s truck and headed to the dance hall.

“Come with me,” Bailey said, nearly dragging Kendra to a large table with nearly a dozen other young women.

“Do you have the photos? I’ll trade you a rum and coke for a peek.” One of the girls asked, handing Kendra a drink.

Kendra set a folder down on the table. “Right here.” Taking a sip of her drink, she nearly choked. “Whew! More rum than coke.”

“Good, the bait has been placed. Now we wait,” Bailey said.

Glancing over her shoulder, Kendra spotted Ryan entering the hall. She sucked in a deep breath. She had to admit, he looked great. Seeing their cue to act, the girls descended on the folder. Giddy and gossiping, they passed the photos around. They also made a point to smile and laugh at Ryan.

“Hey, it’s Mr. January!”