Page 19 of Twisted Howlidays

“Ah, well, I’m not used to being caught in such a compromising situation, in such a public setting. It’s very embarrassing.”

“Oh, dear. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, Bailey had that blanket wrapped around you before anyone saw a thing. Now get in here and sit down for a minute.”

Kendra reluctantly stepped inside and joined her at the kitchen table.

“I can tell something more is wrong. Is there anything you would like to talk about?”

“That obvious?”

“No, only to the experienced eye.”

“Well, since you asked. It’s a matter of broken trust with Ryan. And besides, all my camera equipment is trash.”

“Oh, Ryan. He’s back up there. Trying to salvage your gear. Or what’s left of it.”

“He shouldn’t bother.”

“I don’t know what happened between the two of you. And I respect your privacy. All I would like to say is that I’ve known Ryan for a long time. He’s a good man. Just a little…unsettled. He’s at the point in life where he feels the calling to find his mate.”

“I think that is the problem. I don’t believe in all those happily ever after stories. If he just wanted to spend time with me, he could have just said so. But instead, he rigged up some elaborate scheme with bear shifters and talked about us being soul mates. I can’t believe I almost fell for it. You see, in my book, if a guy is willing to lie about one thing, you can’t expect he will probably lie about a lot more. In Ryan’s case, it was the bear shifters. Maybe it doesn’t sound like much to everyone else, but to me, lying is a deal breaker.”

“Oh, I get it. Believe me. But—”

“But you think I should give him another chance? No, that’s okay. I’m good. Sometimes it’s best to quit while you’re still ahead, or at least able to walk away. Does that make sense?”

“Well, I was going to say that his heart is always in the right place, even if his brain isn’t. I find that to be a common trait among many of the men here. Are you sure you won’t stay another day? We have our annual community Christmas dance tomorrow night. Would you at least stick around?”

“Ha! I’m sure Ryan would be thrilled.”

“I can always ask Calder to tell Ryan to keep his distance if it helps to sweeten the deal.”

Kendra desperately wanted to know what she and Calder had to do with Willow Sprout and the entire set-up. But what did it matter? Her mind was made up. She was going home. No need to start to appear ungrateful to her hosts.

“No, thank you. I’m sorry. But I’ve made up my mind.”

Calder suddenly stepped into the kitchen and peered out the window.

“Calder, Kendra came to say her goodbyes. She’s done with her project and heading home in the morning.”

Calder shook his head. “Nobody is going anywhere for a while. See those clouds? I just got word that all passes are closed.”

Kendra’s mouth dropped open. “No! So, all the roads going through the mountains are closed? For how long?”

“Hard to say. Could be three or four days,” Calder replied.

Daisy took her hand, “I’m sorry. Some things just happen.”

“Let me guess. The fates?”

Daisy didn’t have to say a word. She didn’t need to, her smile told Kendra everything. “It’s unusual to find a wolf so skeptical of these things.”

“I wasn’t raised in a pack, and my parents have always been very…scientific. They’re scientists after all.”

“And they are shifters. What some people consider the paranormal and the practical exist together. We shifters are living proof of that. I’m a doctor, a woman of science. Hell, I started off as a regular old human being with no magic at all. One trip to Twisted Tail and all of that changed. And I can tell you, these things exist. And deep down inside you know they do. I think the question you must ask yourself is simple. Why are you denying this part of yourself? Take some time to think it over, especially in light of your recent experience with Ryan.”

“Wait! What? Did you say that you used to be human, but you’re a shifter now?” Kendra knew the look on her face must have been one for the story books, but she couldn’t help it.

“Yep!” Daisy smiled.