Page 12 of Twisted Howlidays

An hour later they reached the top of a ridge. Looking down the slope, they spotted the cabin located at the edge of a creek that bubbled down over a series of little waterfalls before pooling up in a steaming hot spring.

Kendra’s jaw dropped. “Oh my God, this setting is even better than the one I found. Perfect. Now all I need are the bears,” she said strapping a trail camera to the trunk of a tree. She aimed it directly at the hot spring in the hope she could catch a photo of a bear in such a scenic setting.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. All you need to do is get comfortable and aim your camera out the window. Those bears will come right to this spring to soak in the hot water.”

“You’re awfully confident in your bear herding skills.”

“I can’t guarantee it’ll happen right off the bat, but eventually, you’ll get your pictures. If not today, tomorrow.”

Ryan opened a cabinet on the covered porch and removed a kerosene lantern and matches. Lighting it, he stepped inside. Kendra followed his lead and stomped her boots off on the covered porch.

She expected it to be the usual utilitarian hunting shack—sparsely furnished and uncomfortable. But as Ryan lit additional lamps, she was pleasantly surprised to see a pair of overstuffed chairs, an old couch, and rugs on the floor. The kitchen was neatly arranged and fully stocked.

Not that she wouldn’t appreciate the warmth but she was surprised to see Ryan arranging kindling in the fireplace. “Um, don’t you think the smoke from the fire will keep the bears away?”

“Nah, the bears up here are used to this cabin being used,” he said, striking a match and lighting the fire.

“If you say so,” Kendra said, opening the window shutters. She set up a tripod-mounted camera and aimed it out the window and toward the hot spring. She appreciated his self-confidence, but she figured the odds of any bear showing up were zero to none.

Ryan peered over her shoulder, squinting to get a glimpse of the camera’s viewfinder. His warm breath flowed over her bare neck, sending an unexpected tingling sensation racing through her core. His nose lightly touched against her back.

“It’s hard.” His voice was low, quiet—and to her—dripping with sex.

Caught off guard, she swallowed and stammered. “Um…excuse me?”

“I mean, it must be hard being a wildlife photographer. Always waiting patiently for just the right moment.”

“Oh. Yes, and no. It’s challenging, but it’s also a passion. So, I wouldn’t want to do anything else.”

“Have you ever done a wolf?”

“Excuse me, again?” she laughed, stepping aside.

“You know. Photographed a wolf, professionally?”

“Ah, a wolf? Not yet Well not on purpose anyway.”

“Well then. I’m off to round up some bears. Get your camera ready.”

Shortly after stepping outside, Ryan walked past the hot spring in his wolf form. She couldn’t help but laugh as he struck various poses, one more ridiculous than the last. And she photographed every one of them.

Throwing his head back, he let out a long howl and bolted through the snow drifts.

“He’s crazy. He scared away every bear in the mountains. If there were any.”

“Bears? Who cares? Isn’t he perfect? I know you felt it when he was breathing on your neck. It was all I could do to stop myself from taking over right there and then.”

“Oh yeah, I felt something. What was that, anyway? It felt like a rush of…I don’t know…instant sex? The second I felt his breath and caught his scent, my body seemed to go crazy. I’ve never wanted anyone or anything so bad in my life.” As much as Kendra hated to admit it, her wolf might be on to something. She’d never felt such a raw want or need for a man.

“Yes.” Her wolf whispered.

“I know what you’re thinking, trust me, I know. But I can’t just throw myself at him. I’m not like that, and you shouldn’t want me to be.”

“The time will come when you won’t be able to resist him. And he won’t be able to resist you.”

Kendra sighed. “If I’m honest, I know it. But it’s more than physical feelings. Much more. Why do I feel so…good when I’m with him? Like I’m safe. And like I’ve known him forever. It’s a magical pull.”

“Magical. Because it is fate.”