Page 26 of Twisted Howlidays

“Such a non-believer? True. But then I met this romantic wolf and we’ve had one heck of a twisted holiday.”

“More like howliday…but whatever,” Ryan laughed.

“Haha! Good one, Ryan! I was thinking more like a non-conformist. But whatever, it makes me so happy for you both.”

“I’ll give you a minute to catch up,” Ryan said, staring out the front door. “I’ll get the gifts.” With a quick kiss, he walked back to the truck.

Cindy nudged her sister, whispering, “now you finally realize what I meant about being with your mate. Keeping you up all night I bet.”

“You can say that again. He’s amazing. Words can’t describe it.”

“I’m guessing it won’t be long before you have a house full of pups too.”

“Uh, I’m good with holding off on that step for a little longer.”

“Kendra! I thought I heard your voice. So glad you finally made it.”

“Merry Christmas, Mom!” she replied with a warm hug.

“Kendra? You found your mate! I can feel it!” her mom said, excitedly looking around the room. “Is he here?”

“He’s getting the gifts. He’ll be right back. Where’s Dad?”

No sooner than she asked, her dad stepped into the room. “Kendra! I was wondering what all the excitement was about in here.” As soon as he hugged her, he was instantly aware that she had found her mate.

Before he could react, Ryan returned, carrying a stack of gifts that mostly blocked his vision. “Merry Christmas!” he said, setting the gifts at the base of the Christmas tree. Turning around, he suddenly realized all eyes were on him.

Kendra’s dad pulled her closer. “Well, how about that? It seems the fates have placed a gift for all of us by the tree—a mate for Kendra, a son for us!”