“You squirming on top of me while sounding angry.”
Dillon stilled. “You what? And what do you mean sounding? I’m not sounding angry, I am angry.”
“It’s fun, and you smell much nicer now than when you panic. Cursing me makes you feel better, which in turn makes me feel better.”
A second ticked by before Dillon realized his eyes were so wide they were starting to dry out on him. “You’re insane.”
“Never argued against it, babe, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want you.”
“What? No, you don’t.”
“I don’t?”
Dillon shook his head. “You don’t. I might buy the cuddling, though barely, but you don’t want me. Not me-me. You might want someone you can fuck and bite, but you don’t care if it’s me or someone else.”
“I don’t?” Lee looked amused, which pissed Dillon off.
“No, you don’t.”
“Okay.” He shrugged and grinned, and Dillon growled.
Lee caressed his hip with a thumb, his other hand moved slowly up his back.
“Kisses aren’t part of cuddling?”
Dillon shook his head. “What are you doing?”
“Since you said cuddling was okay, I figured—”
“I didn’t say cuddling was okay!”
Lee rolled them again, but slower this time. His hand ran over Dillon’s thigh, a lazy, almost massaging caress. “Maybe you should change into pajamas.”
“It’s cuddlier.”
“We’re not—”
“Oh, I think we are. It’s too early to sleep, so let’s cozy up. We can watch a movie.” He gestured at the flat screen on the wall across from the bed.
“Lee.” It came out pleading, and some of Lee’s amusement melted away.
“It’ll be fine, Dillon. Comfy clothes, snuggling in bed, and a movie. Easy and relaxed.”
“Until you get all weird.”
Lee laughed. “You want me to grab some snacks from the kitchen?”
Dillon grimaced. “The cupboard above the refrigerator.”
Rolling out of bed, Lee headed for the door only to turn around and grab Dillon’s empty plate.
“Are you walking down there without clothes?”
Lee shrugged and grabbed a pair of jeans but didn’t button them, and headed out the door. Dillon stood staring after him. What had he gotten himself into?
* * * *