Not old then. Lee could usually tell. Not how old someone was, but if they were young or old.
Angelo turned his face in Lee’s direction, and he suppressed a shudder. The eyes were too pale, so light gray they almost looked white. “You smell clean underneath the blood.”
Lee huffed. “Yeah, had a shower not too many hours ago.” Shit. He and Dillon had washed the jizz off themselves before crawling into the soft, warm bed.
Dillon. He wanted to scream. He’d fucked up. If he hadn’t acted like an immature ass this morning, would they have stayed in the house then? They could have been fooling around in bed instead of going to the garden center?
“What happens now?”
Angelo shrugged. “We wait. I think there’s a big fight tomorrow. There was one two days ago, and they usually have three before we move on to the next city.”
Two days ago was Friday. The night Lee had to work because Conan had been busy, and Jala had been…busy. A new type of unease curled in his gut.
“When you say big fight, you mean?”
“Will you fight?” Lee didn’t waste effort in trying to hide his expression since Angelo couldn’t see him anyway. How would he be able to fight? Could he stand without falling?
A slight tremor went through Angelo. “I’m usually a warm-up fight. Some big shifter gets to beat the crap out of me while I try to get a bite in. With the audience there, I’m unable to hear the movements well enough, so it’s most often short-lived.”
Lee was going to be sick. He had to get out of there.
* * * *
Hours had gone by, and they still hadn’t heard anything. Dillon had showered and changed clothes and was now sitting by the kitchen island where he could watch Devin as he baked a mountain of cookies.
“Do you think they’ll make him fight?” Devin grabbed the edge of the counter with a white-knuckled grip.
“I have no idea.”
“They want something spectacular, right? Lee is a pretty average vampire. He’s not too big, not small, not…” Devin blew out a shuddering breath. “They want Rei. He’s spectacular.”
Dillon nodded. Rei was spectacular.
“People would pay a lot of money to watch a jaguar fight.” He sounded confident, but the look he sent Dillon was questioning.
“I have no idea.” He’d never been interested in fighting of any kind. Had never watched boxing or MMA or anything of the sort.
“Maybe they want them to fight each other.” Devin placed his elbows on the counter and cradled his head. “Fuck. Who’d win?” He looked at Dillon, still holding onto his head. “And would they fight until one of them was dead?”
“I have no idea. Judging by how Lee talks about Rei, I think Rei would win. Lee is…turned on by Rei’s strength.”
Devin made a disbelieving sound.
“It’s true. He told me they’d hooked up, and I didn’t need to worry about him wanting to fuck me because he liked strong, deadly men, and I don’t fit the bill.”
Devin stared dumbstruck. “He said that?”
“Yup.” Dillon grinned.
“Huh. it’ll be a fun wake-up call for him since I know he wants to fuck you. It’s plain for anyone to see.”
Dillon might let him if they got him out in one piece. “Why aren’t they calling?”
He hadn’t more than uttered those words before Hanna hurried into the kitchen. “They called.”
Both Dillon and Devin straightened.