He couldn’t tell if Devin wanted to go or hoped Dillon would say to send Mars. “If you want to go, we can go.” He ignored the dread building inside. Stepping outside the protective walls around the property wasn’t anything he’d planned on ever doing.
“Yeah, let’s go.” He pressed his lips together, a determined look creeping into his eyes. “Do you want to eat something first?”
“Nope, less risk I throw up if I have an empty stomach.”
Devin gave a brisk nod. “Right. I’ll go get Mars. Should I ask Lee?”
Dillon scrunched his nose. “I’ll talk to him.” He walked with Devin to the kitchen. Hanna headed toward the office as they entered. Murrie was already gone, but Lee was still sitting at the table. Devin headed straight through, leaving only Dillon and Lee in the room.
“We’re heading to the garden center. Do you want to come?”
“You’re heading…” Lee looked into his eyes, and Dillon held his gaze. A slither of unease traveled through him, but what the fuck. He’d had Lee’s dick in his hand and had kissed him. He’d be damned if he couldn’t look into his eyes without flinching.
“Devin wants tomato plants.”
“Oh…Do you want me there?”
“If you want to come, come. If you don’t, I’m sure Mars can keep us safe.”
Lee stood. “I’ll come.”
“To keep me safe or because you want to look at plants?”
“I don’t care about plants.”
Dillon sighed. “Can you put words on what’s going on in your head?”
Lee frowned at him. “What do you mean?”
“You want me to need you, is that it?”
The frown deepened. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” But the Scottish accent grew more prominent, which made Dillon believe he’d nailed it. Maybe.
He waved a hand. “Whatever.” He took a deep breath. There were more important things to worry about than Lee being an ass. He was leaving the house. Cold sweat coated his skin, and his heart sped up. Shit. Maybe he should back out. Who cared about tomato plants? Then he recalled the determined look in Devin’s eyes. This wasn’t about tomato plants. It was about stepping out there, reclaiming a tiny spot of their lives.
They’d be safe. Mars would slaughter the entire town before he’d let anyone so much as breathe on Devin, and Lee…Well, maybe it was what he wanted, to play bodyguard.
* * * *
Lee looked at Devin and Dillon as they stepped out of the car onto the parking lot outside the garden center. They were both pale as ghosts, muscles straining with tension, and lips pressed flat.
Fuck, who had thought this was a good idea? He had. He’d been the one to suggest it.
Mars took Devin’s hand and headed toward the entrance. Dillon followed, shoulders stiff and gaze jumping around. Lee looked around too, but he wasn’t sure what he was looking for. No one attacked anyone in broad daylight, did they? And there were humans all around. It was perfectly safe.
He rolled his shoulders before dropping them. They’d get some plants, then they’d be out of here. They’d head home, he’d jump in the shower, and go look for Rei, so they could hug. Then he’d head in for work.
Hurrying his steps, he caught up with Dillon. Tiny drops of sweat were beading on his upper lip, his skin a sickly white.
“It’ll be fine.” He hooked a finger with one of Dillon’s.
Dillon gave him a weak smile. “Yeah. First time I’m outside the walls, is all.”
Oh, fuck. What had made Lee believe a trip here would make Dillon happy. He looked ready to run. “Only humans here.”
Dillon looked around. “Are you sure?”
He was about to say he was, but he wasn’t. “Those I’ve seen so far have all been human.”