Page 52 of Vampire Lee

Dillon nodded. “Yeah, I slept some.”

“No dreams.”

He grimaced. There had been dreams, but he hadn’t woken up screaming, drenched in sweat. “Hungry?” Dillon looked at him.

“I’m confused.”

Okay. Dillon frowned. “About?”


“What about me?”

Lee pursed his lips, a crease forming between his brows. “You held me through the night.”

Dillon didn’t reply.

“I’m the one holding people, not the other way around.”

Huffing, Dillon widened his eyes.

“You called me baby. People don’t call me baby. I call people baby.”

“Oh, come on. You’re like a million years old. I bet you’ve been held and called baby plenty.”

“No. I’m holding people.”

“What exactly are you trying to say? I’m not allowed to hold you?”

The way Lee’s mouth dropped open only to then close made Dillon frown.

“I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m confused.”

A hundred-year-old vampire was confused about Dillon holding him? “About what?” Dillon hadn’t meant to raise his voice, but what the fuck?

“I’m taking care of you.”

Dillon blinked; pretty sure he made a great imitation of an owl right then. “I think I’m going to need tea if I’m gonna be able to follow this reasoning.”

Lee growled but rolled off the bed, his motions a little too jerky for comfort.

They got dressed in silence, and Dillon didn’t have a fucking clue what was going on. As they exited the room, the usual anxiety washed over him, and he fought not to shrink on the spot. He did want tea, and if Lee was going to be weird, he’d rather deal with Devin’s softly spoken inquiries.

They walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Murrie and Hanna were by the table, and Devin was whisking something at the counter.

“Morning.” Dillon grabbed a cup of tea. Ignoring the silence, he headed toward the patio door. He needed to get the plants out to continue the hardening off or whatever Devin had called it.

Once he’d carried all the trays out, he stayed on the patio, looking out over the wooded area behind the manor house.

When the door opened behind him, and Devin handed him the cup he’d placed on the windowsill to be able to carry the trays, he nodded a thanks.

“All well?”

“Yeah, Lee is being weird.”

Devin widened his eyes. “Weird how?”

“He was a bit restless in his sleep, and I was awake, so I gathered him in my arms. And when we woke now, he was all weird and said he’s the one taking care of me, not the other way around or some bullshit along those lines.”