“Want to help?” Devin was smiling at him.
“With what?”
“Make a salad. There are veggies in the fridge.”
Dillon nodded and headed for the fridge at the same time as Devin placed a cutting board on the kitchen island. Dillon rinsed a head of lettuce, some tomatoes, and a cucumber.
“How long until we have lettuce, you think?” Devin was adding topping to one of the pizzas and wasn’t looking at Dillon.
“Don’t know. I think it said like four to six weeks or something on the seed pack.”
“That long?” Devin slumped against the counter. “I’d hoped for like two weeks.”
Dillon allowed a small smile. “I think the radishes were three weeks, better suited for the impatient.”
Devin huffed. “Impatient.”
The front door opened, and both Devin and Dillon turned to look at the doorway. Seconds later, Lee walked into the kitchen. Someone must have given him a code to the grid door since he hadn’t buzzed the gate.
“Hi.” He walked closer, and Dillon tensed. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Devin do the same. Lee stopped halfway to the island. “Sorry.”
“It’s…eh…” Devin cleared his throat. “It’s okay, we’re being silly.”
Lee frowned. “Where is everyone?”
“Mars and Rei are in the basement working out. Murrie is in town to see his girlfriend. Phone on, should anything happen. I don’t know where Hanna is, her room, I think.” Devin went back to put things on the pizza.
When Lee took another step in Dillon’s direction, he focused on the lettuce.
“Want me to help with anything?” His voice was coming from right next to Dillon, the words pitched low.
He shook his head; his voice having deserted him. When Lee placed a hand on his shoulder, he gripped the knife tighter.
“How was work?” Devin sounded relaxed, and Dillon blew out a breath. Lee squeezed the meaty part of his shoulder before removing his hand.
“It was weird. My boss asked where Rei lives.”
“What?” Devin stilled, but their chatter made it easier for Dillon to focus on what he was doing, so he started chopping.
“Yeah, it was weird. I didn’t answer, said south side, but I think I have to tell the others.”
Devin hummed in agreement.
“Faelan came by too. We switched phones. Where should I put his?” He reached into his pocket, and Dillon found himself watching him. When had he stopped chopping?
“Put it on his desk.”
“Which is his?”
Devin wiped his hands and grabbed the phone. “I’ll take it.” Then he left the room. Dillon took a deep breath.
“Did you have a good day in the garden?” Lee spoke lower now.
“Yeah, we sowed carrots and radishes, built some trellises for the beans and such.”
“Want to go to a garden center?”
Dillon forgot all about avoiding eye contact. “What?”