Page 37 of Vampire Lee

“I was sure I wouldn’t. When people started to die, I was sure I would too. It was only a matter of time.” He breathed deeply. “I can’t remember when it turned worse, but I have this feeling it was better before, even though I can’t remember it. Like maybe, we were fed more often, allowed to clean up more often, that sort of thing. Or maybe I’ve made it up.”

“No. When I was there, we got fed. Perhaps not as much as we needed, but you were healthy, not a walking skeleton. You’re so fucking strong, Dillon. I wish you’d realize it. No one survived as long as you did. I wouldn’t have survived as long as you did.”

They didn’t look at each other. The sun warmed Dillon’s skin, and he tried to block all memories of what it had been like not to see the sun for months on end. He could stand in the sunlight now; he could eat until he was full.

“He would’ve kept you alive.”

“I don’t think it would’ve helped. I think I’d have…given up. I was so close to giving up, and you were there for three years longer than me. A thousand days of torture, and you were still standing when I came back.” Devin’s voice broke, and Dillon watched in horror as a tear trickled down his cheek.

“Hey.” He placed a careful hand on Devin’s shoulder. Half a second later, Devin threw his arms around Dillon’s waist and hid his face against his chest.

“I should’ve made them look for you.”

Dillon didn’t know what to do. Slowly he curled his arms around Devin, the embrace awkward and terrifying. “You didn’t know I’d been taken again.”

“I should have asked what happened to everyone, should’ve demanded they let me know where you were, but I was too busy hiding in my room.”

“It’s okay, Dev. It’s not your fault.”

“I could’ve gotten you out years earlier. Murrie would’ve looked into it if I had asked him to.”

Dillon was pretty sure he was right. Murrie would’ve looked for him, but there had been no reason for Devin to suspect something was wrong. “They wouldn’t have found me. Where would they start looking? It wasn’t until Leonardo escaped that they had anything to go on.”

“Argh.” Devin pushed away from him and angrily wiped his cheeks. “Some days, I want to kill them all. Burn down the entire fucking world.”

Dillon stared. He did? He always looked happy. He baked and cooked and smiled, teased the others and cuddled with Mars.

“Fucking vampires.”

Dillon huffed a laugh. “Yeah, Mars seems like a terrible creature.”

“Oh, he is.” Devin gave a watery chuckle. “Sometimes I wonder if I’m brain damaged. Who in their right mind hooks up with a vampire after what we’ve been through?”

Dillon shrugged. “He’s not them.”

“No. He’s not like them at all, and I love him. Most days I forget he’s a vampire, but when I’m reminded of it, I wonder what the hell is wrong with me.”

“There is nothing wrong with you.” Though how would Dillon know? There were plenty of things wrong with him, so why wouldn’t there be plenty of things wrong with Devin?

“Fuck, I didn’t mean to turn this into a therapy session. Let’s get those seeds in the ground.”

Dillon nodded and took a step forward.


Dillon squeaked and whirled around. On the patio was Lee. His lips were pressed together as if he was angry about something, and Dillon wanted to shrink into himself. “Yes.”

“I’m heading to work now, and Mars and Hanna will go through my apartment. Murrie told me to come back here and not go there.”

“Okay.” Why was he telling him?

“I’ll be back tonight.”

Dillon nodded. Okay, so they’d have another slumber party. That was fine. Maybe.

Lee raised a hand in a wave. “See you later.”

“Bye.” A frown took over his face as he turned to catch up with Devin.