“Come on. Crawl into bed.”
To Lee’s surprise, Dillon did. Maybe it shouldn’t have come as a surprise. He didn’t know what had happened to him, but since he was a human in a supernatural world, it must be connected to shifters or vampires. And judging by the reaction to Lee trying to make eye contact, he could only guess. Fucking shit.
“I’ll sleep on the floor.” Lee eyed the dark floor. He didn’t think it had been vacuumed in some time, but it didn’t matter. He needed to get a few hours’ sleep, or he’d be useless at work tomorrow.
“There are enough monsters in my head. I don’t need one under my bed too.”
Lee huffed a laugh. A coherent sentence.
“I’m the least monstery monster there is, sweetheart. Promise.”
No reply. Lee waited for a few seconds, but when Dillon didn’t speak again, he neared the bed.
Dillon shuddered and curled into himself. Lee swallowed a sigh and stretched out on the bed on top of the cover, then turned around, so his back was toward Dillon.
It was a queen-sized bed. Two could sleep in it without touching. Dillon would be okay. He hoped.
* * * *
Dillon didn’t move. There was a vampire in his bed. Or more accurately, he was in a vampire’s bed.
He jerked at Vampire Lee’s softly spoken word. He’d turned his back to him, no scary eyes in sight. Dillon let out a shaky breath.
“There you go.”
Silence descended again and tension crept into Dillon. Waiting was the worst.
Vampire Lee made a sound at the back of his throat, one of dismay, Dillon believed.
“Look.” Vampire Lee started to turn, only to abort the motion and continue to have his back turned to Dillon. “I won’t touch you. I won’t bite you or do…whatever you think I’ll do.”
Dillon should be quiet. Talking back never got him anywhere. Once he’d been a person who talked back. Before. He had been someone who expressed his opinions, argued his beliefs, took charge when it suited him, but somewhere during the memory gap, he’d lost the ability.
Now he wasn’t sure he had opinions.
“How would I know? You’d wipe my memory, and I wouldn’t have a clue what you’d done.”
Another sound left Vampire Lee. “I won’t gore my eyes out. I like them too much, but I can promise not to look into yours.”
“I wouldn’t know if you did.”
“Right. Sorry.” Vampire Lee blew out a breath. “I’ll stay right here, turned this way, and you can relax on your side.”
Dillon snorted, then regretted it. What if Vampire Lee got angry with him? “You can turn around faster than I can blink. And I know you don’t need to look into my eyes. Maybe to wipe my memories, but not to…do other things.”
“Move closer then, so I can’t turn around in the blink of an eye.”
“Are you insane?” Dillon bit his tongue. He hadn’t meant to say those words out loud. He could keep commentary up in his head all he wanted, but speaking never did any good.
Vampire Lee chuckled. “Only a little.” He reached behind him and patted the mattress. “Come on, sweetness. Cuddle me.”
“No way.”
“The older a vampire is, the more powerful they are.”
Dillon gave a minuscule nod. He hadn’t been sure, but he’d guessed it was the case.