They were getting off-topic. “If you see any of them, can you ask them to come talk to me?”
Eli grabbed his beer and gave him a nod right as the next person shouted for Vampire Lee. Fuck his life. He went to take the order, and then another, and another.
Soon the evening was in full swing, the noise level getting higher by the minute, and Lee didn’t have time to scan the crowd anymore. There was no lull in the demand for drinks.
Hours went by, then someone walked up to the half-door at the end of the bar. He’d locked it, but anyone could jump over a half-door. He was in front of them before they could see him move. The guy didn’t jerk back though, he simply stared into Lee’s eyes. Not afraid of Lee trying to control him mentally, then. He never would, not in the place he worked. Hardly anywhere else either. Lee wanted his lovers fully aware, and he drank his blood from bags, so no need to mesmerize anyone not to feel his bite.
“Staff only.” He gestured at the sign fastened to the half-door.
“You wanted to speak to me.”
Did he? Lee stared at him. It took ages before recognition hit. It was the invisible wolf who hung out with Rei. Damn, he was good at disappearing in a crowd, which should be impossible since he was huge. “Right, sorry. What’s your name?”
“Faelan Campbell.”
“And you work at the—” He ended the statement with a wave of a hand because he had no idea what they called themselves. Did they have a name? There was some secrecy involved. They were law enforcement, and Lee believed you could report things to them, but it wasn’t like they had an online presence. Or maybe they had. He hadn’t checked.
“I work with Rei, which was what the guy said you wanted to talk to me about.”
“Eli, yeah. I was wondering if I could have a chat with your boss.”
Faelan narrowed his eyes. “My boss?”
There had to be a boss, hadn’t there? “The one responsible for—”
“Vampire Lee! I’m thirsty.”
Lee gritted his teeth and waved at the wolf calling him. Wanker. The crowd was building up around the bar, and it would take him ages to get back into a good flow where he wasn’t drowning in shouts about more drinks.
“Do you have a phone number?”
Faelan studied him for a second. “Why don’t you come by tomorrow, say around ten in the morning? I think Murrie is in then.”
“Great! I’ll do that.” He took half a step away only to turn back. “Come where?”
A small frown made an appearance. “Give me your number, and I’ll text you the address.” He reached for his phone, and Lee rattled off his number.
Faelan nodded once and disappeared into the crowd. Great, now he only had to figure out what to say.
* * * *
Lee walked toward the manor house with a sense of dread. Had Faelan given him the wrong address? This place was fucking massive.
Taking a deep breath, he jogged up the steps to the front door and knocked. Someone knew he was coming. The gate was locked, and he’d had to press a button to be let in.
It took a few seconds, then he heard steps approaching. He straightened. He didn’t know what breed the leader of the organization was. Maybe he should’ve checked before coming. He pulled in a deep breath to try to catch the scents of the people having walked through the door, but he was a vampire, not a bloodhound. Sorting scents out wasn’t something he excelled in.
The door opened and a short human with heavily tattooed arms squinted at him. “Yes?”
Human. Why was there a human here? It had to be the wrong address. “Hi, I’m eh…”
He didn’t have time to say anything more before a vampire more or less materialized before him, fangs on full display. Lee took a step back in surprise and stared between the vampire and the human.
“Eh, I’m here to see—” Fuck, he didn’t know the name. He was so ill-prepared. “—Faelan.”
“He’s in the kitchen.” The human pushed at the vampire. “Come in.”
The vampire hissed. Seriously?