Page 11 of Vampire Lee

Lee noted how Dillon’s hands trembled as he reached for the egg and bread. Damn, was it because of him? Had to be. He’d been about to enter the kitchen, and he must’ve known Devin would be there.

Without a word, Dillon walked away with the food. Lee heard rapid steps on the stairs.

“I’m sorry.” He shouldn’t have come here. Video calls, he should learn how they work.

Devin nodded, then shrugged, and went to grab another bread roll and placed it on his plate. “Sorry for giving your egg away.”

“Looks like he needs it more than I do.”

Devin nodded. “He’s doing better than I did.”

Lee had no idea what he meant, and before he could decide if he should ask or not, there was a buzz, like an intercom. Then a voice asked to be let in through the gate to make a delivery.

Devin’s eyes widened, a silent shout taking over his mouth as all the color drained from his face. Lee got to his feet, almost pushing the table away as he got ready to catch him should he faint, but his motions resulted in a blood-curdling scream.

The door to the office burst open, and Mars flew into the room, fangs out and hands raised. The others followed with sharp teeth, claws, and glowing eyes. The air got stuck in Lee’s throat. Damn. Luckily, he still had the table between himself and them.

There was a moment of complete silence before Mars took Devin in his arms. Devin curled into him as if he wanted to escape the world. Rei, Faelan, and Hanna all turned to Lee, while Murrie lowered his hands and looked around.

The intercom sounded again, followed by the same voice, but a lot more annoyed this time, repeating their request to be let in through the gate.

It was as if everyone who was in the room took a collective breath, and Lee dared take one too.

Murrie went to push a button somewhere in the hallway before turning to the group. “I ordered a few pallet collars for the garden.”

There were a few nods, then all gazes other than Mars’s and Devin’s turned to Lee.

“What are you doing here?” Murrie frowned at him.

Right. “I…eh…I have some information, but I didn’t know how to put it in a text, so I walked over here hoping to catch you, or anyone of you. Devin offered me coffee while I waited for you to become available, and then…” He gestured at the food he had yet to taste.

Murrie heaved a sigh and looked at Devin who was peeking up from where he’d been hiding his face against Mars’s chest.

“I’m sorry, Dev. I should’ve told you there was a truck coming.”

Said truck was driving up the driveway and came to a stop outside the door.

“I’ll take care of it.” Rei headed for the door, Faelan following him without a word.

Hanna looked around the kitchen. “I’ll make the call, see if we can set up a meeting.”

“Thank you.” Murrie smiled at her as she turned to leave the kitchen.

Mars and Devin edged toward the doorway as well, and Lee wondered if he was scaring everyone away. He met Murrie’s gaze with a frown. “What happened?”

Murrie ran a hand through his hair. It looked like he’d done it a few times today already. “A few months ago, an unannounced delivery truck came here, and the driver kidnapped Devin.”

Lee winced. Fuck.

“I’m guessing having a vampire he doesn’t know in his kitchen and a truck he didn’t know would come set him off. As I said last time, PTSD. Everyone is making progress, but it takes time.”

Nodding, Lee reached for his coffee. He didn’t know what to say. He wanted to ask questions, but he was a stranger, and he didn’t know Devin and Dillon.

“Don’t waste the food. Devin would be mad if you didn’t eat when he’s trying to feed you.” Murrie went to grab a cup, poured himself some coffee, and sat across from Lee. “What was it you couldn’t text?”

Lee took a bread roll, tore it in half and smeared some butter on the two halves. “I could have, but I didn’t know how to formulate it.”

Murrie waited.