“Listen, hon, now that I’m not your boss, just be careful, okay? Men… they’re used to being in the power position. It’s why they chose girls who are young and innocent. Shane Hart has a revolving door of women.”
That was so far removed from what was going on with her and Shane, she honestly wasn’t sure what to say. “Thanks, Pat. I appreciate your advice.”
Pat ended the call, thankfully.
Unable to stand the small space of her apartment, Avery ran down the front steps of the house. They lived in the upstairs unit and the people downstairs didn’t appear to be home, so she claimed the stoop for herself, hands in the pockets of her denim jacket. She had thought about bringing her guitar down with her, but there were no words. No notes. Everything in her head was silent.
It was like her brain had just shut down. The air was cold and she was shivering but she didn’t want to go back inside.
There was a big fat harvest moon shining overhead and she tilted her neck back, staring at the beauty of its perfect circle hanging out in the inky night sky.
What did she want? Was Shane right, was she afraid to commit to him? Maybe. She’d never thought of herself as a guarded person, but it was suddenly very clear that she’d spent her whole life with the volume turned down on her emotions.
Be the good girl and do what everyone expected of her.
It had gotten her nothing but wasted years and a lack of understanding about herself.
Maybe Shane was right. Maybe the timing was off. Maybe he was a man and she was just coming into her own. But she couldn’t imagine her life without him in it. He had become her best friend.
She texted him.
I should have told you about Buck. I’m sorry
That’s just it, Avery. You don’t need to apologize. You were right. It’s up to you when you’re ready.
I’m ready. Can you meet me somewhere?
I’ll meet you wherever you need me to.
She thought him meant that figuratively as well as literally.
It made her heart swell. She didn’t want to lose Shane.
I’ll be at the diner in thirty minutes. The one from that first night.
I’ll be there.
She stood up and took a deep breath of the crisp night air.
Yep. She was ready.
Shane was sitting at the same table he and Avery had been at that first night. He’d given the server fifty bucks to let him have this particular table.
It had been encouraging that Avery had asked to meet her.
He looked up from his coffee when he heard the door and there she was.
Wearing jeans, a blue sweater, and her blue cowboy boots. She looked the same, yet so different than she had that first night. She’d changed in a few short months. Grown more confident in herself and her talent. Her worth.
It had been beautiful to watch that. Be a part of seeing her blossom and be accepted by her peers, recognized for her talent. Her star was only going to rise from here, especially once Nashville caught wind of the fact that she was Buck Rivers’ daughter.
“Hey,” he said, softly, when she reached the table.
She gave him a smile. “Hey. Thanks for coming.”