Page 56 of The Bachelor

“Thank you.” She smiled, took the mug, and raised it for a sip. It was easy to be around Shane. To be herself.

“I see you’re looking at my goofy-ass pictures. I’m sure you’ve figured it out but that’s my mother, and that’s Elle.”

“I can’t believe how dark her hair is. Is that her natural hair color?”

“Yep. Mama swears it’s a throwback to an earlier generation but personally I just think Elle’s a witch and this is her mark.” He sipped his own coffee and sighed in contentment.

“As in a wiccan, or as in an evil creature?”

“Totally evil. It’s my favorite thing about her.”

He clearly loved both of his sisters and that warmed her heart. “I wish I had a sister. I had cousins, but it’s not the same.”

“I didn’t know you’re an only child. That must have been nice. Everything all for you.”

“My mama always said she only needed one because I was perfect. I believed that until I was about eight and the kids at school showed me I wasn’t all that.” She rolled her eyes. “Plus the neighbor lady told me in no uncertain terms God wouldn’t bless a woman like my mother with more than one child.”

He looked at her, startled. “What the hell does that mean? And who says that?”

“Mrs. Daniels.” Avery pretended to shudder. This was her opening to tell him. Besides, Mrs. Daniels was a fun story to share. She was like a caricature. “She always wore rollers in her hair. Like, always. I don’t even know why because she never took them out to actually have the curls. Does that even make sense?” It still confused her. “Anyway, she hated my mother because Mr. Daniels was always helping Mama. He said it was the Christian thing to do to help a single mother but Mrs. Daniels said sinners need to help themselves. It was a source of tension between them.”

“So basically, your mother was young and attractive and Mrs. Daniels was jealous?” he asked. “And Mr. Daniels was a dirty old man?”

She laughed. “Exactly.”

“Do you want some breakfast? I’m not much of a cook but there are a lot of great places to eat around here.”

“I’d love to. I think I’ve figured out that sex makes me hungry.”

“Oh, yeah?” He grinned. “Then I’d better be prepared to feed you often.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?”


“I guess I need clothes then.” She yawned.

Shane took her coffee mug out of her hand.

“Hey, I was drinking that.”

He set it on the fireplace mantle and did the same with his. “I just need to hold you for a minute before you hide everything away from me in clothes.”

God, was this man even real?

When he pulled her into his arms, she went easily. It was crazy how natural it felt to be with him. He kissed her, softly. Avery sighed.

“Are we doing this, by the way?” he asked. “Dating? It scares the hell out of me but I want to try it.”

That touched her beyond anything. She felt different now that Shane had confessed his fears to her. Instead of her being the quaking vulnerable virgin and him being the experienced man with money, she realized they were more on equal footing than she ever could have imagined. She had matured in the last few months and he had shown himself to be decent. Obviously, she didn’t want him to be afraid of their relationship, but knowing he was helped her face her own insecurities. “How could little old me possibly scare you?”

He eyed her sideways. “You look like you can get mean.”

That made her laugh. “That is so not true. But yes, I would like to try this. If we can do it a little on the down low. The timing is bad for other people to see us as… dating.”

She shouldn’t be jumping headfirst into another relationship, especially when she had so much going on work-wise.

Shane cupped her cheeks, stared down into her eyes, and kissed her.