Page 33 of The Bachelor

“Nice. Not the direction I was thinking, but I like it. Clever. Avery?”


He looked at her blankly. “What the hell?” He started laughing again. “That’s not a word.”

“It is so! I’m the Scrabble queen of Rock Creek, Kentucky. It means a small quantity of something left over. Like my fries.” She gestured to her plate.

Shane shook his head. “I don’t believe you. That is totally made up.”

“Google it!” She smiled back at him, enjoying being on equal footing with him for a change. At the office she had felt too off-kilter, too aware of his status as producer, hers as nobody wannabe.

“I’m going to.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket. A few swipes and he was making a face. “Holy crap, it really is a word. I guess from now on I will be tittynoping everywhere I go.”

That made her laugh. “It’s not a verb. You can’t tittynope.”

“Really, now that you say it like that, I don’t think I want to tittynope. I want to tittyyep.”

“Oh, lord,” Pat said, struggling not to laugh. “This escalated quickly.”

“Avery started it,” he said, pointing straight at her over the table.

“I did not.” Though she had thrown the word “titty” into the conversation. She couldn’t deny that. Probably not her wisest choice, though in the grand scheme of stupid things she had done involving Shane she doubted this would be the one that ruined her life. “You brought up dirty words.”

“True. Okay, I accept full responsibility for turning the tide into something else entirely.” He winked at her.

He mother-freaking winked at her in front of Pat. She wasn’t one for a whole lot of swearing, especially cuss words involving mothers, but this deserved a mental cuss word. Shane was just a charming-as-hell man and she was no match for him. But considering what was at stake, she was damn sure going to try to volley the ball right back to him.

“Is there something in your eye?” she asked, pointedly. “It’s twitching.”

Shane grinned and drained his beer. “Maybe that’s my cue to get the check and let you ladies have the rest of your evening to ponder tittynope.”

That made her snort before she could stop herself. Pat shot her a look, then smiled back at Shane. “Thank you for dinner, Shane, it was delicious.”

“My pleasure.” He glanced at her boss. “Monday morning I’ll have Jolene and Chance in at nine for a demo. You can email the paperwork over to my office in advance.”


Avery wasn’t even sure what that meant exactly, but she thought it was good news. She thought it meant that someone would perform her song for Jolene Hart and Chance Rivers, which was downright amazing. One, because they were the big time. This wasn’t a struggling singer or a duo on the rise. They were established, big stars. Two, because Chance was her half-brother and she had never in a million years expected to be face-to-face with him. It was nerve-wracking on so many levels. Exciting. But intimidating as hell.

As soon as the check was taken care of, Pat was up out of her seat and urging them both to the door. Maybe she thought they had taken up too much of Shane’s time, or she had other plans, but whatever it was, she was hustling. There were thank yous and goodbyes, and then Pat was glancing at her phone and swearing under her breath.

“Shane, would you mind seeing Avery out? I just got a text from my babysitter that my daughter has a high fever. She had one yesterday but she seemed better this morning.”

Avery hadn’t been at Rusted Truck long but she knew that Pat had struggled with infertility and that her daughter was her miracle child at forty. She had her office peppered with photos of little Sunday. Avery had no doubt she’d want to get right home to her.

“Oh, geez,” she said. “I hope she feels better soon.”

“Thanks.” But then as she was leaving, Pat squeezed Avery’s arm and gestured toward Shane.

“What?” Avery murmured.

“Don’t stay too long,” Pat said under her breath. “Or go anywhere alone with him.”

Her eyes widened. Did she actually think that Shane was some kind of danger to her? “I don’t plan on it.”

“That didn’t sound right. I wasn’t implying you’re not professional. Or that Shane can’t be trusted. Just don’t get swept away, you know what I’m saying?” Pat looked at her, concern in her eyes.

Too late. But as far as tonight was concerned, Pat had no reason to worry. Avery didn’t have time to nod or react in any other way, before Pat was out the door with lots of blown kisses and waves.