Page 11 of The Bachelor

Yeah, she was the cute one, not him. She was damn near adorable. “I don’t know. I guess you could say that,” he said. If she could be honest, so could he. “I think it’s a combination of I’m trying to make you feel better and I’m flirting.”

Her head cocked. “Huh. Okay. That makes sense. But why are you flirting with me?”

That was an even harder question to answer. “I don’t know. Other than that you seem like you deserve a whole lot better than what just happened to you.” He studied her, from her beautiful red hair, to her extraordinary eyes, down over her pale, lightly freckled skin, to those rich ruby lips and he knew he had to give her the compliment she deserved. Any woman would be feeling less than amazing after realizing they had been cheated on repeatedly. So he wanted her to understand his unbiased truth as a total stranger. “You’re really beautiful, that’s the other reason. I look at you and I feel a little hypnotized.”


Avery felt the air rush out of her lungs. She’d been holding it all in waiting to hear what Shane would say and he’d just gone from kind to ridiculous. He was laying it on way too thick, and while she appreciated his sympathy, she didn’t need him going off the deep end. “Lord,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Are you sure you weren’t drinking tonight?”

“Not a drop. What? Why can’t I think you’re beautiful?” He seemed perplexed by her response. “Is it because you think I’m someone who is going to bullshit you?”

She thought he was charming, and probably too old for her, but she didn’t think he was trying to manipulate her. She thought he was trying to make her feel better, only it made her feel self-conscious. She was not a mesmerizing kind of girl. She didn’t inspire longing in men and not once had anyone even written her a poem, or a song, or even a sexy text. “I think you’re trying to be nice.” Her throat tightened a little as she fingered her purse sitting on the table next to her coffee. “And I appreciate that.”

“I’m not that nice, truthfully. I don’t give compliments for no reason.” His voice was low, his expression earnest. “I think you absolutely are beautiful.”

Damn it, she did not want to cry. She wasn’t going to cry. She blinked hard. “I think I should leave you to your waffle. I’m going to head to my hotel.”

He sat up straight, stiffening. For some reason, she had the sense she had actually hurt his feelings by not accepting his compliment. But him being hurt was the least of her concerns at the moment. Her overnight bag had been in Ben’s truck too—not that she had thought of it until now—and she was suddenly weary. Ready for a few hours of restless sleep in a bed she had intended to share.

“What hotel? Wherever it is, I’m not letting you walk there alone, are you nuts? Besides, you can’t just stroll into a hotel in the middle of the night and get a room.”

She sighed. “I made a reservation at a hotel. It was supposed to be a romantic night for me and Ben.”

Shane gave her an expression of disgust. “Well, let me take you there and then I promise I’ll get out of your hair.”

She wanted to be alone. Not listening to a sexy-as-hell stranger blow smoke up her ass because he felt sorry for her. But she nodded. “Thank you, for everything. Truly.”

He nodded. “You’re welcome. I know it was under miserable circumstances, but I enjoyed meeting you, Avery. You remind me of home.”

Maybe that’s why he was flirting with her. Nostalgia.

Opening her purse, she pulled out a twenty to pay for the coffee and his waffle. It was the least she could do for hijacking his night.

“What are you doing?” he asked. “Take your money back, Avery. Seriously, don’t insult me.”

“You would be at home if it wasn’t for me,” she pointed out. “Just let me say thank you.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t have you pay for my food, I just can’t. Everything inside me will die.”

That actually made her laugh. “That was dramatic.” She stood up. “Fine. But I’m going to pay it forward tomorrow.”

He smiled. “Perfect. Now what hotel am I taking you to?”

She pulled her phone out and found the confirmation email. She showed it to him. Shane’s eyebrows rose.


“A little.” Or a lot. She had chosen it based on its reputation as a hotel for couples. Intimate. Sexy. Ugh. She felt stupid all over again. “But I guess it’s convenient that I have it so I’m not homeless tonight.”

Shane pulled out his wallet and dropped two twenties down on the table. He waited for her to walk first then followed behind her. When he dropped his hand on the small of her back she shivered, and it wasn’t from the air-conditioning. His presence was bigger, more dominant than Ben’s. More sensual.

Suddenly, Avery wanted him with an ache she felt all the way to the toes of her cowboy boots. But she knew she shouldn’t do anything like that because she would enjoy it. Looking at Shane, that was one thing she didn’t doubt and she wasn’t sure how she might feel about that later. But a part of her was so starved for a tender touch, if Shane offered, she didn’t think she could refuse.

“Where do you live?” she asked him, apropos of nothing.

“East Nashville.”

Where the cool kids lived. She wasn’t surprised. Whatever Shane did for a living, he was obviously successful, but not flashy. His clothes and watch were expensive and his tip for the waitress had been high. Very high. He seemed like an intriguing mix of a businessman and a trendsetter. “What do you do?” she asked him as he pushed open the door for them to exit, curious if he was in the music industry or some other creative venture.