Page 17 of Catching Dreams

“You gave her the middle name Jane? That’s my middle name!” she exclaimed as she got down to their level. “Hey, y’all! Aren’t y'all just pretty as a peach!”

“Boys aren’t pretty,” Peyton said in a matter-of-fact tone. “They are handsome.”

Peyton’s cousin had to laugh, “Ha, well, I reckon so. You are pretty, Peyton. Camden is very handsome.”

“Why do you talk funny?” Peyton asked.

“Lordy be, aren’t you precious! I reckon your mama has been gone about a month of Sundays!” She then turned her attention to Pen. “Where in the heavens is Shiloh? I’ve missed that sister of yours as much as you. Everybody had a hissy fit when she up and went to college in the cold and snowy midwest. Then, Lordy mercy sakes alive, here I am, basically the pot calling the kettle black! ”

“Auntie Shiloh is back at home in Ohio,” Camden explained. “She came to live with us when Peyton was born. I got to share a room with her!”

“Thank God she is fine after the tornado, and our apartment wasn’t hit.” Pen said and then looked over at me. “Lita, this is my boss and one of my best friends, Molly.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said and gave her a quick hug. “So, why do they call you Lita and not Mel?”

“Heavens, I don’t reckon why. It’s just what my family always would call me. Golly, I’m sure you think I’ve got some nerve just findin’ out my favorite cousin had another baby and not even layin’ eyes on her for seven years. I was only twelve when Penny’s mom kicked her out after she had her baby boy. After she and Shiloh left together, Mama was fit to be tied and wouldn’t let me talk to ‘em.” Melita then turned and looked at Penelope before saying, “You were always my favorite cousin. I’ve looked for you on social media, but I was about as successful as fittin’ socks on a rooster.”

“Mommy hates social media,” Peyton explained.

“Except when it helps the bakery,” Camden added.

I had to laugh. I knew Peyton wasn’t on social media herself, and I felt like a horrible friend not knowing much about her past.

“I can’t believe you're here! What are you doing in Illinois?” Pen asked her.

“I’m going to college here at Oakville Community College since my fiancé plays for the Bobcats.”

“You’re engaged? Congratulations!”

“Thanks!” Melita gushed and showed her ring finger. Her ring wasn’t very big, but the solitaire diamond seemed to mean a lot to her. “My fiancé is the left fielder, Drew Parker.”

“We’ll make sure to watch him,” I said.

“And you’re with one of the Lightning, right?”

I nodded, “I’ll claim the catcher, Tyler Stone.”

Melita nodded, “Yeah, it’s all over the news. Drew was riled up that he was scratched for the game today.”

“What?” I asked in shock and looked around at the scoreboard to see if it showed the line up, but it just showed the team names and game time. “He told me he wasn’t in trouble.”

“Drew couldn’t figure why,” Pen’s cousin said apologetically.

“Where are you sitting?” Pen asked Melita. “Because if there are seats around us, you should join us.”

“I’d be tickled pink,” Lita said. “I usually sit over yonder with the other WAGS.”

“What are wags?” Camden asked.

“The wives and girlfriends of players,” I explained. I guess I’m a WAG.”

“Oh, ew,” he replied, and all of us girls laughed.

“I want to be a WAG!” Peyton said.

“Maybe someday.” I patted her on the head, and we walked down to our seats. While we waited for the National Anthem to be announced, I sent Ty a quick text.

Me: Some people are saying you were scratched from the line up. What’s going on? I really am sorry if I got you in trouble.