Page 77 of Catching Dreams

I was filled with emotion and had to sit down. I didn’t know how they got here in time for the game, but I was so glad they had been here to see it. I decided I had time before my shower to read the rest of the text messages that had come in during the duration of my game.

My everything: Hey #17, you single? BTW I love that your #17 for the girls’ birthday!

My everything: They need to bring you in. Johnston looks too nervous!

Carter: Let’s go #17!

My everything: OMG OMG OMG You’re up to bat. Oh, Ty. OMG. I think I might be more nervous than you are.

Dad: You walked up to the plate like you’ve been doing this your whole life. You were born for this. Your mom and I are so glad we’re here to see this with your girls.

Montgomery: Oh, man! You’re up to bat on your first call up! Look at you!

My everything: NO WAY!!! My screaming just scared the girls! I’m crying again! And I swear - I’m not pregnant again! Just very happy for you!

Ivan: Felicidades! HOMERUN over your brother’s head! Good bat against Bradley! He’s a beast.

Cooper: YEAH!!!! You are AWESOME! Don’t ever come back down.

Mack: I knew you’d make it, Stone. I’m so proud of you. Nico says he wants to be you when he grows up.

Hayden: Bro, we are all watching at Fulton’s and can’t believe it. Actually, yes we can bc we know you. So glad we have the day off today to watch. Congrats, my friend!

Dominic: I love you, Stone. You’re going to make me so much money! JK! So proud of you!

Montgomery: LET’S GO!!!! Meadow said to tell you that you looked like you enjoyed running the bases after that first homerun! I hope to join you soon!

Carter: You had to hit it right over L’s head, didn’t you?! You were awesome, T! Wish I was there!

Penelope: I’m so glad Molly was able to get there in time for this! Your parents are awesome, btw! They flew up here first and then flew down with her to help with the girls. I still can’t believe they lucked out with all direct flights! It was meant to be!

Evan Harris: Wow, man. Now I’m going to have to get a new roommate when I was just getting to like you. You killed it!

Mom: Oh honey! That hug you and your brother shared at the plate makes me the proudest mom ever. I love you both. I wish Carter was here with us.

I was grinning more than I had ever in my life. As I was taking it all in, a new message popped up on my phone screen.

My everything: Hurry up, Rookie! Your daughters, your parents, and I want to congratulate you! We are so proud of you!

A few days later, I was back in Cincinnati, and we had an off day. The Tigers had a day game, so I was able to drive down to Trinity Falls after my own practice. I started with these guys and wanted to celebrate with them. Shiloh said she could watch the babies and that Peyton and Camden would be her big helpers.

We all met at Fulton’s, where my story with Molly began. On Wednesday night, they had karaoke night, and the girls were all excited. We all sat at a table near the front of the stage and watched as Molly, Penelope, Emma, Meadow, Janel, and Robyn all got up there and sang Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. They were having so much fun up there. All of us guys decided to go up there after a few drinks and sang I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys. All the girls were going crazy!

After having to play a game of darts for old times sake, Molly and I went back to the table and cuddled together to watch more singing. We were all shocked when Cooper and Penelope went up there and sang I Want You to Want Me by Cheap Trick. They sounded really good together.

As they came back to the table, we all overheard Copper say, “You know I want you, don’t you?” He must have had more to drink than I thought to have that much liquid courage.

“Don’t be stupid. It was just a song,” a drunk Penelope retorted.

“I’m serious, though,” Cooper said. “You know what? I’m just going for it. Will you go on a date with me?”

“You had your chance, Dixon. We had a night together, and you then blew it. You can go on a date with me when hell freezes over.”

“I had a night with you?” Cooper asked with wide eyes. “What are you talking about? When?”

“You know what? I’m leaving,” Pen said. She wouldn’t look at Cooper but turned her head to look at the rest of us. I’m sure all our jaws were down on the table. “Good night, Molls. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Good luck in Cincy, Ty. It was good hanging out with you.” Penelope didn’t even look back as she strode out of the bar.

“I’m going after her,” Molly said and gave me a quick kiss. She went after Penelope, along with Meadow and Emma. Janel and Robyn quickly followed them.