Page 14 of Catching Dreams

“Son, calm down and take a breath,” Coach Henderson said as Coach Collins put a hand on my shoulder. “First off, I wouldn’t let you go back down. You’re too good of a player. If anything, you’d be moving up, but I’m not ready to let you go just yet. Second, we are all family men here and know how stressed you were yesterday after not being able to communicate with your girlfriend. We understand, and we’re not going to fine you.”

I gave a huge sigh of relief and wanted to be honest with them. “She’s actually my wife.”

“Good to know,” Coach Collins said. “That information may come in handy.”

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, and I was still confused as to why they had called a meeting in the opponent's offices.

“Have you talked to any of your teammates from the Tigers today?” Coach Downey asked.

I shook my head. “Not today. I talked to a few of them yesterday.”

Coach Henderson nodded and blew out a long breath. “There is no easy way for me to tell you this. I know from scouting reports and watching you play that you and Adam McAlister were very close.” I nodded and a sinking feeling came into my stomach. I didn’t say anything else, and Coach Henderson continued talking. “Late last night, his wife and son were found in the rubble of the tornado. His wife was covering up their young son with her body, and unfortunately, she did not make it. Adam’s son -”

“Oh my God, sir. Please tell me Nico is okay,” I said with watery eyes.

Coach Henderson nodded, “Nico is alive but in critical condition. He was airlifted to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.”

I placed my hands over my head with my elbows on my legs as my body shook. That could have easily been Molly. I felt so horrible for Mack.

“Can I call him?” I asked, basically letting them know that I would be late for practice.

“I think he would like that,” Coach Collins said. “He was very relieved to hear that your girlfriend, I mean wife, was okay. He called last night wanting to talk to you, but his phone was damaged by the tornado, so he didn’t have your personal number. He left this number for you to his son’s hospital room.”

“He called from his son’s hospital room looking for me?” I asked, still reeling that his wife had died. I had just been over to their house for dinner before I got called up.

“Here is the number, Stone. And if you’re late for practice, we understand. Please, give Adam our condolences and let him know we are thinking about him and his young son.”

“You can use this office to make the call. Seth said it would be available as long as you needed it.”

I told them thank you and waited until they left the office to dial the number in my hand. I was glad that Ohio was an hour ahead of Illinois, so it wouldn’t be too early to call. I took a deep breath and hit the call button.

“Hello?” A deep, groggy voice answered.

“Mack?” I asked, making sure someone else wasn’t answering. “It’s Tyler Stone.”

“Tyler! It’s good to hear from you, son.”

“Mack, I am so sorry to hear about Ashleigh. I know it’s the wrong thing to ask, but are you doing okay?”

“I’m just in shock, to be honest. It’s not real yet.”

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. “How is Nico?”

“Still unconscious, but the doctor’s are optimistic, whatever that means. He has a concussion for sure and a broken leg from a wall falling down on them. Ash saved his life. She was his hero.”

I wasn’t sure what to say and felt tears in my eyes, “I really am so sorry, Mack.”

“I know,” Mack said. “It really sucks, and I don’t know what I’m going to do. But, man, I am so happy to hear Molly and her co-worker were fine. What happened?”

I felt horrible telling him my good news about my wife being okay when his own wife wasn’t. But he had brought it up, so I told him how they found out we were having twins and wanted to surprise me. He couldn’t believe they didn’t even know about the tornado.

“Twins, man? Wow. That’s awesome. Congrats to your super sperm.”

I had to give a humorless laugh at that comment. “My parents had triplets, and I don’t want to think about my dad’s super sperm.”

Mack actually laughed. “Oh, Ty. I needed a laugh. Thank you.”

“Is there anything we can do for you?”