He’s striding across the apartment and stands in front of me. Brushing his fingers through my hair, he leans in close. “You always look beautiful, but today…”
I feel my cheeks heating. “Thank you. For everything.” I don’t just mean the hair and the clothes. He spent that money to wrap me in a veil of protection.
He closes the distance between us, but this kiss doesn’t devour. It’s not full of animal passion. This one is light and gentle the way you kiss something you find precious.
My heart turns over in the strangest way to think of Mason Kincaid finding me precious.
I should not follow this feeling, it’s going to get me in trouble. Other than wanting to take my virginity, the why of why Mason is doing any of this is a mystery to me. If I were a different woman, I’d ask.
Would it be better if I were more assertive? I’ve never been very good at that sort of thing.
I’d texted Gus to tell him that I wasn’t coming in and when he’d responded that he couldn’t cover the evening without me, I’d nearly caved. Only the idea of what Mason would do if I put on that uniform after he’d gone through a great expense to transform me, had me holding the line and telling Gus I wasn’t sure when I’d be back.
Mason kisses me again, quieting my thoughts with the gentle touch and my eyes flutter closed as I sigh into his mouth.
If most women would twist themselves into pretzels, what would I do to really belong to this man? I’m not sure I want to answer that question either. Because I might do a whole lot more than twist, I might be willing to break.
His hand is on my back, sliding over my ass, pulling my hips into the cradle of his. My body thrums with need. He’s right. If he keeps kissing me like this, very soon I’m going to beg.
He pulls back his face, the rest of his body still pressed to mine. “Ready?”
I shake my head. “You don’t need to buy me anything else today, Mason. It’s already too much.”
He gives me that one-sided grin that melts my insides. “First, I’ve hardly spent anything. But second, if we’re really going to sell you as the woman of my life, then you should be dripping in clothes and jewels.”
I shake my head. So much trouble and expense.
But I let him lead me to the elevator, our hands entwined as we step in. There is something so personal about holding hands like this, I lift my camera, still in my other hand, and snap a haphazard picture. It’s at an angle, our arms exiting the frame in the corners of the shot.
He looks over at me, his gaze holding a warning. I wince. “Should I not have done that?”
I flash the screen at him so that he can see what I’ve snapped.
“That’s the second picture you’ve taken of my hand.”
“You’ve got great hands,” I murmur. He does. Strong, lean, masculine. I can’t wait to see them sliding over my skin.
He’s quiet for a moment, but I feel the energy. Nipping at my lip, I glance down. “I would never share anything that I thought compromised you or hurt you.”
“It has never occurred to me that you might be a threat to my security.”
My eyes go wide. Mason is a powerful man and likely a criminal. Of course, pictures might be a problem.
“You don’t have social media,” he says, “You’ve never spoken to anyone, not even your friends, about that night at the club.”
How does he know that? It’s a reminder that Mason Kincaid is a man to be feared as well as respected and desired.
“But I’m not sure I can allow you to snap pictures of me, Charlotte.”
I nip at my lip. I’m not sure I can not snap pictures of him. He’s magnificent. “What if I show you each picture when I take it? It doesn’t even have to be your face. I just…” I want to know you.
He considers as the elevator doors open, and we climb into the car. Sliding into the limo, he sits next to me, his hand resting on my bare thigh.
Once again, I’m struck by the beauty. His skin is so much darker and rougher than mine. We’re a study in contrast.
His phone chimes and he flicks down his gaze to read the text. I point at his hand and then wiggle my camera.
He looks back at me long enough to give a quick jerk of his chin in assent before he continues reading.