“They never showed, which means Jake is about to pay them a visit.”
“He and my father were best friends and brothers. He took the loss hard, and he’s very motivated to see the Italians suffer.” He places a light kiss on my hurt shoulder, his fingers skimming over the blooming bruises.
I look back at him. “Mason. Thank you…I don’t know how to begin to tell you how much I appreciate?—”
He kisses me, softly cupping my chin in his hand. “I appreciate your appreciation, but I need you to understand that my world has reordered and you are at the very top of my priorities. It is my first and most important job to keep you safe, my queen.”
Mason has called me a great many nicknames but queen is a new one. “I’ve been upgraded from princess.”
He laughs against my cheek. “I suppose you have.”
My body aches with all I’ve been through but there is still a part of me that wants to be close to him, to feel him inside me.
But as I move to deepen the kiss, he eases away. “Tonight is about your recovery.”
I let out a long sigh. “Really?”
“Really.” He settles me into his body. “Besides, you’re going to need your energy for moving.”
“Moving?” I manage to push up at that declaration. “Move where?”
“Not sure,” he answers, sinking down into the pillow under his head. “Somewhere the Italians can’t find. What do you think about Colorado? There’d be good natural photography there.”
“We talked about this, Mason. You’re not running. That’s my issue, not yours.” I do sit up then, the twinge of pain is worth being able to twist around to really look at him.
“I’m not running,” he answers, sliding his hand down my leg. “I’m still going to run the business, I’ll just focus on asset management, leaving daily operations to my family. Roman can take over the casinos, Jake the construction, Luke can handle all the properties like these, and Leo…”
My brows lift as I look at him, wondering what he’s thinking for Leo.
“I think he might be good at running the nightclubs.”
That would be an excellent position for him. “You’re going to forgive him then?”
“There was truth to your words about needing to trust Leo more. In fairness, I didn’t trust myself either, but he’s so like my father…” He sits up too, his forehead pressing to mine. “It’s time to put the past in the past and move forward with a lot more love.”
My eyes close and I can’t help it, tears fill my eyes. “I think the same. I’ve let my own past, my worry that everyone who loves me will leave?—”
“I am never leaving you.” Mason lifts me into his lap. “I need you to understand, Charlotte. You are my future. You’re stuck with me and even if you try to run, I’m a tough guy to shake.”
“I’m not running,” I whisper. “You’re my family now, Mason.”
“Charlotte, I’m going to ask now…”
I gasp. Somehow, I didn’t quite picture my marriage proposal being in bed while wearing a sling and covered in bruises.
I had pictured champagne and candlelight. Then again, we had that when he bought the ring. And when has anything in our relationship been normal?
“Will you be my wife?”
“Yes.” I don’t need to think to answer. It’s automatic. Mason and I belong together.
Mason returns to the bedroom with two champagne glasses, and I have to laugh. Wish and, when you’re with Mason, you receive.